Chapter 18 - "Aunty Kay! Did you know that you're leaking?"

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"Aston Brady Valentino, I promise to love you till my lungs give out, till my heart gives up, till my brain stops working, I promise to love, to cherish, to honour you, and I promise to be the best wife you could ask for." Bella says, smiling away at Ashton as a tear drops down from his eye, quickly wiping it away. "Arabella Chloe Nolan, my little ginger, I love you so much it hurts, it hurts that so much it makes me want to love you more, I promise to look after you till my dying day, and then in hell." Ashton says, earning a few laughs. I start crying like a fucking bitch, hormones. I make eye contact with my lover and just smile, him doing the same. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!" my papa says as their officiant. I'm so glad that I wore waterproof makeup.

Everyone climbs into their cars and heads to the reception, me and Joey get into our matte black Mercedes G Wagon. "You cried like a little bitch." He says laughing to himself, "It's your fault! You put a child in me!" I say huffing and crossing my arms. All of a sudden I get a weird pulsating pain. "Okay that hurts." I say, leaning to the side and placing a hand over where the pain is radiating. "What? What's wrong?" Joey says worriedly, "no no I think it's Braxton hick contractions, I'm only 8 months." I reply. "No. We're going to the hospital." Joey argues, beginning to turn the car around. "Joseph. Theodore. De Luca. If you do not swing this car back in the other direction I will cut off your tongue, shove it up your asshole so far that it will go back to its original place."

"Yes ma'am."

I continue getting these on the drive so after we get to the reception and do the entrance dances I head to the table and sit down. "Are you okay Karma?" My mama asks, I nod " just braxton hicks, it'll be over in a few." " Okay well, I had you at 8 months, just make sure that you definitely think it is them or you might be giving birth in a car." My mama says to me, well that doesn't help.

I stand up and go to the bar and order a Diet Coke when Aria comes running up to me. "Aunty Kay! Aunty Kay! Did you know that you're leaking?" I'm sorry what?!?!?

"Go get your uncle, now please!" I say calmly while also stressing the fuck out, "which one, I have like a thousanddddddd." She replies. "Uncle Joey, tell him I'm meeting him at the car."

I waddle to the car and climb in and begin timing contractions. The door flies open and Joey jumps. "Are you ok?" He asks, I just nod because I'm in the middle of one of the worst contractions yet. "How far apart are they?" "4 minutes and they last 30 seconds." He nods and then gets on the phone with Ace telling him to grab my hospital bag from the nursery and to let Bella and Ashton we're sorry for ruining their big day. I'm sure they'll understand... hopefully.

We get to our mafia hospital and rush in. "This baby is coming... now. Like, get me into a room or I swear to fuck" I begin saying, "right this way donna." A nurse says, leading us to a private room.

"How are you doing my love?" Joey asks as I climb into bed, taking off my uncomfortable heels. "Not great, I really do not want to be putting my pussy through this." I laugh to myself. "Well if i do say so myself, it's a very pretty pussy." He replies giggling, coming over and kissing my forehead. "Ace will be here soon with your stuff, including some comfier clothes.

"Okay Miss Valentino I need to check your dialation, lay back please." I lay back and put my legs on them weird things, Joey stands at my head whilst they do an exam. "So you appear to be at 5 cm so it could still be a while, do you plan on an epidural?" I shake my head, "don't tell anyone but i am fucking terrified of needles." the doctor chuckles, "no worries, your secret is safe with me."

Ace appears at the door with the rest of my family about 20 minutes later. "How are you doing babe?" Bella asks, "I would be a lot better have it not been your wedding day and you having to send everyone home early!" I yell. "Don't worry Kay, we never really wanted a long day, plus you're giving us a better present than a wedding, a new nephew." I smile in return. Another contraction hits me. "you're doing great, my love." Joey says to me. "I hate you." I say through gritted teeth, he rolls his eyes.

"Okay Miss Valentino, you're at 10cm, are you ready to push?" The nurse says, Joey is standing at my side rubbing my back, his hand in mine. "No! We don't even have a name!" I yell, panic starting to set in. "Kay, look at me, you've got this, let's meet our son." Everyone is out of the room except for Ophelia, Joey, and my mother. I needed ophelia to be here in case Joey fainted or some shit, i don't know i've never done this before. "Okay time to push."

I grip Joey's hand as I push he winced a little but doesn't complain. "FUCKING HELL THIS HURTS LIKE A BITCH." I shout, gripping Joey's hand tighter, he rubs my back as I take a break before I'm pushing again, and again, and again, "Okay i can feel the head, just one more big push." I lay back, "I can't, I can't do this." "Karma, you've been through so much, you can do this, I believe in you." Joey says climbing into the bed behind me and making me lie back into him, like that scene in grey's anatomy with bailey and george, he wipes my hair out of my face and I push again. "Here he is, your beautiful baby boy, want to cut the cord dad?" The doctor says, Joey does it and they take our son over to the other side of the room.

There's no cry.

There's no noise.

"What's going on? Why isn't he crying?" I yell, no one is answering me. "Will someone answer my fiancée? What the fuck is going on with our son!" Suddenly a flood of doctors rush in towards him. I can't hold it in anymore and just cry, "someone, please, tell me he's okay?"


A cry

The cry from my son,

"Oh, thank satan." I sigh in relief and lay back. I felt a little part of myself die then. A doctor comes over and lays our son on my chest. "He's beautiful karma." Ophelia and my mama say in unison. "He's ours, my love." Joey says, kissing my forehead. "he's ours..." 

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