Chapter 21

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Crystal's POV

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Crystal's POV

Rail me! Fuck me into oblivion!

That's the only right answer!

That was the first answer that came to mind at his question. Because if he made me feel so good with two fingers alone and that deep voice of his, I can't imagine what he can do with his dick! Fuck!

I was speechless. I just didn't know what to say or how to act. Those moments of pleasure were enough to make me forget what lead us to this. I didn't even try to free my hands off his grip when I pulled back trying to catch my breath. The way he was looking at me like he meant every word and action related to me made me weak in ways I wouldn't like to admit!

Crystal: You said you are going to take me tonight right? That's the reason we were about to leave. So why don't you do just that?

Caspar: You still, want it?

His grip on my wrists loosen and  his hand rests on my waist now allowing me to touch him. Touch his broad chest only imagining how he'd feel under the fabric.

Crystal: Right now it's more of a need than a want.

He chuckles his fingers trailing the lines of my face.

Caspar: And here I was starting to believe you'd never beg.

Crystal: I am not!

Caspar: No? Then maybe we should wait until you do.

Crystal: Caspar!

I give him a glare that only makes his grin go wider and before I can understand what's going on I'm lifted in the air in his arms, with my legs automatically wrapping around his waist.

Crystal: I can walk.

He smirks squeezing my butt as he walks us to his room.

Caspar: You won't be able to when I'm done with you.

I wanted that! Damn me I so wanted to see what he had! But someone must be cursing me cause the doorbell rings and both of us freeze only a few steps from his bed.

Caspar: I'm going to commit murder! This is it!

Caspar puts me down and I cuss internally at the sudden intruder. When we go to the door Byron is already there with his robe looking stoic as ever but if I was to bet on it I'd say he was at the same page as us.

Caspar: Byron tell our guest that-

Mila Stone: SURPRISE!

Caspar is not able to finish his sentence when the most annoying voice in the whole universe is heard. My face falls when I realize it's my little sister. The one that was supposed to surprise me on MONDAY! Not today! And definitely not here!

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