Chapter 4

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Crystal's POV

I was unlucky enough to get involved with influential people in my life. I was unlucky enough to know that money and power go together most of the time and those who possess it run the world. I let myself get fooled once, ignoring the facts that so brightly were laying before my eyes and it took me years to recover from paying the price of it.

So I know well enough that if a man like Caspar D'Angelo wants to destroy me then I'm already gone. But if that's how he intends to do it, then I'll make sure he'll have to fight hell to beat me!

Crystal: I am sorry Mr Miller, but I think you either misunderstood or imagined that information.

The man sitting across me rests the tip of his chin on his fingers and he smiles slyly enjoying my denial.

Derek: Please call me Derek, after all you and I have a lot more in common than you think Crystal. I can call you Crystal, right?!

He is not waiting for an answer. At this point I keep the most neutral expression I can master which is a pale one and stare at the man, overthinking all the possible scenarios of where this conversation can lead or where it can end!

Crystal: Care to clarify then, Miller?

Derek: Gladly.

He leans closer to me the smug expression never leaving his face.

Derek: It's not a shame you know, what you've done with Caspar. And don't worry, I know how his deals work, all those contracts, it's annoying but the result is satisfying. I myself have tasted the fruits of what being associated with that man means.

I am too dumbfounded to speak and he takes it as a sign to continue.

Derek: If I'm being honest sometimes I miss it! But those glorious days are far behind for him. And the choice he made with you, is only proof of that.

Crystal: I continue to not understand what —

Derek: Oh, cut the act!

His voice now annoyed. He leans back on his chair and takes a deep breath.

Derek: Listen, I am here only because of my own curiosity. Caspar only asked a favour of me and I wanted to understand why, why you. Why a woman who's such a workaholic? You are not an extraordinary beauty, not an important persona, so why?

I didn't know how to feel about any of this. I only felt my defense mechanisms kicking in. I didn't want that man in my office. I didn't want the information he had to offer, nor did I want to digest what he told me.

I stood up and swallowed as hard I could to bring some saliva to my gradually drying throat.

Crystal: I believe we are unable to find a common conversation ground, so I'd suggest you get out of my office right now.

My voice comes out more shaky than I intended it to be and that only makes my knees feel unsteady. Yet, he stands up. He nods still smirking as he checks me up and down as if deciding whether or not I was worth his wasted time.

Derek: As you wish. But before I go I shall give you a piece of advice, from a friend you shall say; don't start games with Caspar D'Angelo cause you'll be bound to lose.

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