Chapter 16

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Caspar's POV

Caspar: It's settled Mr. Newman don't worry.

I hung up and open the door. One I got used to seeing, walking inside cussing. It's not even my favourite penthouse and yet here I am drooling over a woman who stubbornly keeps on resisting me and after all these years of managing to keep my situationships a secret I publicly admit to be in a relationship with that same woman who so defiantly invaded my life!

Byron: Welcome home, sir.

The moment I close the door behind me and take the phone from my ear, having answered a phonecall that's the reason I was so busy the past few days I'm faced with my butler. And that, cannot be for a good reason.

Caspar: Why are you waiting for me at the door Byron? Did something happen?

Byron: Nothing bad sir. But I had to inform you, you have guests.

Caspar: Come again?

He clears his throat which never happens and I instantly give him my things as I walk to the living room finding the last man I wanted to see! He is comfortably sitting in MY couch drinking MY alcohol and I have the very annoying feeling that he was invited here by MY woman!

Derek: The man of the house! Finally!

Caspar: What are you doing here, Miller?

Crystal: I invited him.

Crystal walks from the kitchen to us. She is barefoot in an oversized sweater without anything underneath. Her hair loose on her shoulders, her glasses hiding the wickedness behind the look of innocence and on her hands two glasses of red wine.

Crystal: What? You never said I couldn't invited people over.

Caspar: So you decided to be a host at my absence?

Crystal: You are not home most of the time and we wanted to finish a conversation with Derek so it seemed right.

My fists clench on my sides and I shove them in my pockets trying to keep myself under control. None of it is right! Not how she is handing him that glass of wine or how he looks at her with that amused smile on his face.

Caspar: If you missed me this much sweetheart you could have just said so.

Crystal: Who said I missed you?!

Caspar: The fact that you can't stay alone when I'm not around.

Derek: Caspar, there is no need to pretend.

He knows?! Crystal wraps her fingers around that wine glass as if her life is depending on it. So she believes she can go around telling about us to whoever she finds trustworthy and then bring him home to play with me?

Caspar: Oh, but I'm not pretending.

I approach the woman and take the glass of her hand.

Crystal: Wait that- WHAT?!

I bend down and lift her up shoving her over my shoulder. Her hands grasp on my shirt as she gasps in shock.

Crystal: What the fuck are you doing?! PUT ME DOWN!

I turn at Derek who looks at me frozen, that "I know it all!" smile wiped off his face!

Caspar: You can either leave Mr. Miller or wait for us. It just might take some time, though. I need to teach my girlfriend a lesson.

Crystal: You are not-

I slap that tight little ass of hers before she can finish her sentence, earning something between a squeal and a whimper from that mouth.

Caspar [18+]Where stories live. Discover now