Chapter 15

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Crystal's POV

Crystal: I don't understand, who would leak such photos?!

Caspar: I don't know but I swear when I find them they'll be gone!

Caspar paces the room and I find myself sitting on the couch with my head hanging between my shoulders. I have no courage to fight or cuss. I dragged my feet here after Byron's and Hector's calls. I can't wrap my head around the situation. The fact that my boss is soon going to notice, my colleagues, all the magazines are going to be talking about that irrelevant woman who bewitched THE man. I'm going to be called a gold digger, or they might even minimise the effort I put in my work.

Crystal: Oh, my god...

I mumble to myself all these thoughts sending me down a spiral of distraction. I hide my face between my hands feeling tears forming in my eyes.

Caspar: Crystal...

I feel a warm hand over mine, Caspar has knelt in front of me, he slowly makes me reveal my face and I meet his concerned look.

Crystal: They'll eat me alive won't they?

Caspar: No they won't. I won't allow it. This thing is between you and me. Nobody else has any right to interfere.

Crystal: But they do. You don't understand...I-

I want to say that I've been through this before only it wasn't the same back then. Yet the pain, the fear that everything I've worked for will turn to dust returns.

Crystal: They will say you helped me get my job. They'll undermine me to the core because I am not worthy of the attention of a man like you! They'll drag my name making assumptions as they go and matter what I say they won't listen!

I didn't realize I was crying up to this moment. Maybe I'm just weak or maybe that was my breaking point. But right now everything just seems so damn wrong!

Caspar: Nobody is going to hurt you Crystal. Do you hear me? I won't let them.

I feel his fingers catching all the tears streaming down my cheeks and when I meet his eyes there is softness and rage in them, a mixture I've never seen before. His touch is so gentle nothing like last night, and his words so firm like they demand a silence to spread in my heart. Making it all more peaceful.

Crystal: Why?

My tears stop and he gives me small smile before caressing the side of my face.

Caspar: You are mine to take care of. You are my sub for three months. That means only I can make you cry in the spectrum of pleasure. Nobody else is allowed to.

I find myself smiling at the ridiculous statement.

Crystal: Do you have any idea how that sounds?

Caspar: I do in fact. And I believe you did too, when you signed those papers.

Crystal: Yeah, I am on the path of regretting that.

Caspar: I'd say that, this is the right path, then.

He stands up when he sees me smiling and regains his composure.

Caspar: Now, I've already talked to Ethan and he's moving legally not to let any other magazines or posts leak those pictures.

Crystal: What about the rumours? I'm sure they already start to fly around.

A mischievous grin appears on his face.

Crystal: Caspar?

Caspar: They want a story right? Something to write about. Then we'll give them a story.

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