Chapter 65

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I giggled still finding the whole situation funny and I walked out of the changing room to go show Lucas what I just saw.
I paused on seeing him with Miranda, is she still alive! I thought she gave up. I really need to send someone to the hospital.
"Baby!". I called out to Lucas walking to where he was.
He was surprised to see that I was out already without changing. I glanced at Miranda who was glaring at me intently.
"Miranda". I said in a sugary tone. "How nice to see you. What are you doing here!".
"This isn't your place, I can go anywhere I want and it's none of your business".
"Oh sorry". I continued sweetly. "Did you come here to buy yourself a wedding dress 'cause this is obviously a bridal shop".
"I sighted Lucas and thought of saying hi to him. I mean, we were together after all".
"In the past". I added.
"But still ... ". She glanced at Lucas smiling brightly. "I was his first love, right? Luke?".
I gritted furiously within me. Luke? How dare she call him a nickname while I'm standing right here!!.
"That was in the past, Miranda. Things have changed now". Lucas replied calmly.
"It doesn't matter if things have changed, like they say, first love never dies, right? Chloe?".
I smiled tightly at her. "Yes. But true love buries it deeply, have you heard of that?".
"Yes". She forced a smile in return. "But we still can deny the fact that Lucas loved me".
"But he's getting married to me". I waved my ring finger in front of her.
Her smile vanished. "What?".
"Yeah, he proposed to me. Why do you think we are in a bridal shop? To prepare for our wedding, of course".
"Right, baby?". I asked pecking Lucas on his cheeks.
I smiled knowing he was nervous right now, I had made him like that. He clearly knows that he's in deep shit for talking to Miranda.
Speaking of Miranda ...
She glanced at me looking at my finger and then she looked at Lucas shaking her head.
"You proposed to her?". Miranda spoke up in a shrill voice. "You told me you met her 10 months ago".
"Yeah, I did. And she stole my heart". Lucas replied, giving me the tingles.
"But, that's not possible. I mean, Luke, you once told me that you would never marry a woman within the space of one year".
He shrugged. "I changed my mind. Chloe is everything I want in a woman so I'm ready to live the rest of my life entangled to her".
"Baby, stop. I'm blushing". I said kissing his cheeks to make Miranda furious and it worked.
"Lucas!". She yelled. "We dated since we were in high school. I was 17 and you were 18. You told me you'll love me forever".
"Things change, Miranda".
I paused as she broke down into tears as he said that. I watched as she desperately tried to stop crying but the situation was fucked up.
Okay, now a part of me feels sorry for her.
"Lucas. We dated for 8 years counting and you never married me. But you only dated her for months and decided to propose?".
"I did ask you to marry me. Remember that, huh? But instead you decide to choose your career over me".
Lucas held my hand taking me away from Miranda while I was still confused. He led me towards the direction of the changing room.
"Lucas". I stopped him. "What the heck was that about?".
"That was Miranda being Miranda. Just forget about her, she means nothing to me any more, okay?".
"Yeah I know but did you break her heart? .". I asked him curiously.
"What? No, she did". He kissed the tip of my nose. "Until you came into my life and unfreeze my heart, you crazy psycho".
"A part of me feels sorry for her". I mutter.
"She deserves it. Miranda left me to go after her job, she knew how much I loved her but she wanted me to stay put waiting for her like a dog. And I don't do that".
"But all that is in the past now. And I have you". He added, staring at me lovingly.
"I love you too". I added reassuringly. "I won't leave you if that's what you're scared of".
He chuckled, pulling me close but just then my phone decided to ring. I blushed a little before moving back to grab my phone.
I got hold of it and checked the screen to see that it was Brie that was calling again.
"Why is she calling?". Lucas asked. "Did something happen?".
"Lauren and Emilia got involved in a ghastly accident". I spilled the truth to him.
"And Emilia died".
"What the ?". His voice came out in a light whisper.
"Yeah and that's it. Apparently, Lauren asked someone to donate blood for her since the doctor said she's losing a lot of blood".
"She didn't get a donor?".
I shrugged. "Brie refused to donate and I don't actually blame her".
"What about her Dad?".
"Her Dad?". I chuckled. "The funny part is that her Dad donated his blood but the doctor said that it didn't match her".
Lucas gaped surprised. "What! They didn't match! How come? She's his daughter, she is supposed to have the same DNA as him".
"Well the opposite happened. So now it's possible that Lauren isn't his daughter, can you believe that? After everything?".
"Wow". He muttered. "So why is Brianna then calling you?".
"She probably wants me to go to the hospital to see Lauren with her but I'm not going".
"Why?". I scoffed. "Those two bitches hired a hoodlum to shoot my fucking abdomen and then later in the hospital, they tried to cut short my breathing".
"And yet you fucking ask me why?". I say angrily. "I wish that, that bitch Lauren dies along with her fucking best friend".
"Chloe ... ".
"You know I'm even thinking of going to that hospital just so I can stick a bullet in her". I continued. "So she'll know what it feels like to be shot".
"Hey!". Lucas wrapped his hands around me. "I like you being all crazy but not to this extent, okay!".
"Yeah, you are right. I'm only just pissed off that Brie would even think of trying to ask me to come over to that hospital".
"Yeah". He nodded, caressing my cheeks.
I looked at him. "You support me?".
"Of course, I support you. I don't even give a damn about Lauren or her shitty friends".
I breathed out. "Good. We are on the same page then".
"You know, one time the dickhead we got as a governor threatened me all just 'cause of his precious daughter, Emilia".
"Karma is really real". I muttered to myself.
"Now come on". He brightened up. "Lets not brood over this, lets go prepare for the best wedding of a lifetime".
"Mommy. Daddy, why are we here?". Lili asked as we stride into the hallway.
Well, I checked out of my hospital like 20 minutes ago and now we are here to see Lauren.
"Well Mommy wants to go talk to her Dad, or don't you want to see your Grandpa?".
She shook her head. "No. I wanted to stay with my baby brother and sister the more".
"Well you'll do that when we get home, okay?".
"Fine". She said defeatedly and walked ahead.
Speaking of the twins I gave birth to ...
I turned to see Liam walking behind me pushing two strollers gently in which baby Jayden and Jana were placed.
They also got checked out today, we didn't want to take any chances though.
"Liam". I faced him. "How are you holding up with them?".
"Oh so now you noticed me". He replied with an eye roll. "I thought you were busy with Lillian".
"Don't be jealous, she's your daughter".
"And I'm your fiancé".
I chuckled lightly. "Liam! Come on, don't act that way".
"I'm pretty sure that you'll transfer all of the affection that's supposed to be mine down to Jayden and Jana including Lilian".
"Okay fine, how about after all this? We'll have a very special time together".
"As in special time, you mean ... ". His eyes twinkled as he trailed off smirking.
I blushed partly. "You know what I mean".
"Good. Then I can't wait to leave here, by the way, did you phone Chloe already?".
"Yep. She's not picking up. And by that, I know that she's not coming so I better just leave her to be with Lucas".
"Hm. Yeah, that's for the best''.
I nodded and walked ahead, sighting my Dad. I held Lili's hands tightly before going to where he was.
He turned around and stopped seeing me, then his eyes went to Lili before looking at the twins in the stroller.
"Mommy. Is this Grandpa?". Lili asked all of a sudden, staring at him.
"Yes". I breathed out, squeezing her palm softly. "This is grandpa".
"He doesn't look old, are you sure? He's supposed to look old".
Dad laughed, smiling at her. "You must be Lilliana".
"And you must be my grandpa".
"Yes". He glanced at me before looking at her. "Yes, I am. How old are you?".
She beamed brightly. "I'm 8".
"Then you must be very smart".
"Uh-huh. And Daddy says that my baby brother and sister might be smart as well".
"Oh". Dad replied, glancing at the strollers again, understanding what she meant.
Liam walked forward. "Gustave".
"Williams. Thank you for taking care of my daughter whilst I couldn't even do that".
"Twas my pleasure. Brianna is such a lovely soul". Liam replied, smiling at me.
"Mommy bakes cookies for me all the time". Lili added excitedly and we laughed.
Dad looked at me. "Brianna".
"Come on, Baby. Let's go". Liam urged Lilliana. "I got a surprise for you".
"Really? I like surprises!". She squealed as she walked ahead.
Liam kissed my cheeks before walking off with the strollers after Lili who skipped off.
"Dad". I turned back to face him. "How is Lauren?".
"She's awake. Lost use of both her legs".
"She won't be able to walk?". I asked.
"Yeah". He nodded looking away. "She will make use of a wheelchair. I don't know how long though".
"So the blood test was carried out again".
"And?". I was afraid to hear the result.
"She's not my daughter. Allyson told me the truth ".
In case you are wondering, Allyson is Lauren's mother.
"She got pregnant by another man but decided to pin it on me since I was so rich and wealthy. When your mother came into picture giving birth to you, she decided to make her life miserable".
I went over to sit on the waiting chair as I recalled the words which were used on my mother.
"And then your mother died. Allyson wanted you out of the mansion as well".
"You supported her". I added tearfully. "I was thrown out of my own father's house".
"You never even cared about how I fared all through my time in college or high school, I never had a Dad who showered me with love or care".
No response.
"I didn't know why you hated me, I didn't know why you chose to hide me from the public and I didn't know what I did wrong to deserve all the hate from my father and my assumed step-sister".
"I'm sorry". He apologized quietly.
"You always concentrated on Lauren all through all the time". I stood up facing him squarely. "That's all you were ever thought of not me, it was always about Lauren".
"I learnt my mistakes and__".
"And what? Dad, you gonna start treating Lauren the way you treated me because she's not your biological daughter? Hm?".
"Brianna ... ".
"You know it's kind of funny". I chuckled sadly. "I was always being rejected but yet I turned out to be your only child. And then Lauren, who was not your child, she was treated like a queen".
"I never meant for all that".
I continued chuckling. "But it's fine. I now have a family who treats me like a queen now".
No response.
"I have two daughters, a son and a loving fiancé. I have the happy family I always wanted so I don't really have any of your love anymore".
"Brianna. Don't sound that way".
"Just focus on Lauren like you always do". I told him and spun on my heels.
I ignored him and walked straight off, I stopped a few minutes into the hallway to see Liam with Jayden in his arms and then Lili who concentrated on Jana.
Yeah, I have a family.

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