Chapter 40

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"I just want to remind you that you are just a baby carrier, that's all".
"And I just want to remind you that you should watch the way you speak to me".
"No, darling. You should watch the way you speak to me because I'm very vicious. And watch your pregnancy too, you might end up losing it".
I gaped at her, surprised. "Did you just threaten me?".
"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't".
She winked at me and walked out of the kitchen while I stood befuddled at what she just said.
I rubbed my baby bump. She said I should watch my pregnancy? Does she intend to harm me?
Probably, yes.
I took a deep breath before walking out of the kitchen and then stepped back into the living room.
I glanced at Trisha who knelt beside Lilian under the Christmas tree. I shuddered and turned back heading towards the stairs.
She wouldn't dare harm my baby. Or can she? I don't know how vicious she can be.
I went up the stairs still thinking about what Trisha said. I got to the hallway and to our room entering inside to see Liam.
"Finally". He breathed out. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming".
Oh! I said I'll shower with him earlier on.
I flashed a smile. "Hey. So you waited".
"Is everything okay, Brianna?".
"Umm, yeah. Why won't it be? Today is Christmas, remember?".
He gave me a look and stood up from the bed walking towards me. He got where I was and kissed my forehead lightly.
"If you say so ''. He withdrew. "So come on, let's go take a bath together".
"Someone looks eager". I teased him.
"I can't help. You look so beautiful and even more flawless".
"You think so? This pregnancy is doubling my weight and I think I look fat".
"You look great". He pecked me on my cheeks reassuring me. "Now let's go take our bath".
I raised my hands to his shirt helping him to take them off, he removed it and was left with just his boxers which he took off in no time.
He removed my night dress swiftly and then he helped me take my panties off. I stared at him amused as he looked at the panties.
"Don't tell them you wanna lick it. That will be disgusting". I spoke up.
He looked up at me. "What? No".
I chuckled as he led me to the bathroom, I got in and he pulled me to kiss him lightly.
"So, bathtub or shower?".
I chuckled lightly. "Both".
He smiled in between my lips and moved us under the shower turning it on. Water sprayed out of the shower as we kissed.
I felt turned on by the way the water drops on the both of us. He unlocked the kiss and bent down cupping my baby bump.
I giggled happily as he placed kisses on it puffing out his breath. He stood up facing my backside as he slid his hands around my waist.
I felt the water dripping on my hair making it cool. He turned the shower on us again as he trailed kisses from my shoulder to the down.
"So, should we do it right here, right now?". He asked huskily, making me shiver.
He chuckled lightly. "I'll take that as a yes".
I gasped as I felt him penetrate my v*Gina from behind, he paused for a while before thrusting it all in me as he began moving.
I rolled on the bed feeling a little sore from last night. I smiled remembering last night, Lucas is just so very good in bed.
I flipped open my eyelids to see the bed empty. I sat up slowly as I yawned tiredly glancing around for Lucas.
Hmm. Where could he be? It's just morning.
I stood up from the bed and put on his fur slippers grabbing the robe. I wore a beautiful red robe and tied the knots loosely.
Then I walked towards the door opening it and stepped out landing in a huge hallway.
No response.
It shouldn't be what I'm thinking. Nah, he can't leave me. Lucas isn't like that at all.
I stopped at the staircase and climbed down slowly. I got down and took the other entrance heading to the kitchen.
I stopped seeing him by the gas cooker shirtless and boy, did he look fucking hot.
"Lucas". I breathed out a sigh of relief as I saw him.
He glanced at me. "Chloe? You are awake already?".
"Yeah". I walked towards him. "So what are you doing here?".
"I was making breakfast until you came in. I wanted to bring it upstairs as a morning bed for breakfast". He explained.
"That's sweet of you".
I got to where he was and noticed he had a sizzling coffee while he was making sweet pancakes as well.
"You know, I was scared when I woke up and didn't see you". I told him to hug him from behind.
"Come on, Chloe. I told you last night, I love you and I'll never leave you".
"And I trust you". I replied to him.
He turned around and placed a light kiss on my lips. "Merry Christmas".
"Merry Christmas too". I pecked his lips as well.
He chuckled and pulled me closer for a longer kiss. He wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me up in his arms.
I gasped. "Lucas, put me down".
He set me on the kitchen counter and then stood in between my open legs giving me another kiss.
I heard the doorbell chime repeatedly and Lucas groaned pulling away from me while I actually laughed at his face reaction.
"I'll just go check who's there". I jumped down from the kitchen counter.
He drew me back. "Or we can ignore it and continue without fun".
I wanted to stay but then the doorbell rings again making me burst into laughter.
"I'll be back quickly". I told him and walked out of the kitchen.
I walked back into the living room and went towards the door curious to who that could be.
The doorbell rings again for the umpteenth time and I groaned loudly before opening it to see Miranda.
"What are you doing here?". She asked, stunned , to see me.
I flashed a smile at her. "Merry Christmas to you too".
"What are you doing here? Aren't you one of Lucas's workers".
"I was". I winked at her. "Until I became his girlfriend".
"Chloe Houston, nice to meet you. You are his ex-girlfriend, Miranda, right?".
She frowned at me. "I'm Lucas's girlfriend and I won't hesitate to throw you out".
"Miranda. He broke up with you. Why can't you just deal with the truth? Lucas loves me and not you". I told her calmly.
"I need to see Lucas. He must be fucking kidding me right now".
I blocked her way. "No can do, love".
"Get out of my way, you bitch. I need to see my boyfriend".
I sighed. "You mean my boyfriend? Lucas and I are a couple. And we spent the night together".
"That's not possible".
"Should I open his robe for you?". I teased her by twirling the knots of my robe.
She glared at me. "I still don't believe you".
"Lucas?!!". I called him. "We need to take out the trash".
"Did you just call me trash?".
"Sorry, not sorry". I shrugged. "You look like one anyways".
"Chloe, what are you ... ". Lucas trailed off seeing Miranda by the door.
She smiled seeing him. "Lucas".
"Miranda. What are you doing here?".
"I tried coming in but this bitch wouldn't let me in".
"Did you just call me a bitch?". I yelled at her.
Lucas drew me back. "Babe. Calm down".
"Babe?". Miranda scoffed. "What the hell?".
"Miranda, I'm sorry but I told you. It's over between us. I'm in love with Chloe now".
"But I ... Lucas, I love you".
"Hmm, tsk, tsk, tsk". I pouted. "Sorry but he loves me now so you should leave".
"Lucas. You are joking right? You can't choose her over me".
"He already did and also ... ". I trailed my fingers over his exposed abs. "I told you we spent the night together. He was so ... ".
"Shut up". She yelled, cutting me off.
I chuckled lightly. "Do you want details?".
"Lucas, you can't possibly do this to me". She began crying. "I really__".
I slammed the door in her face angrily as I bolted it shut. I breathed out and glanced at Lucas whose mood was changed seeing Miranda crying.
I crossed my arms. "You are free to open the door if you still want her back".
"No, I .. I, um, maybe it wasn't nice to do that, Chloe".
"It wasn't nice? She called me a bitch". I said as I got angry.
"I know and I'm sorry on her behalf but I kind of feel that__".
"You know what, never mind, okay?. I'll be upstairs if you need me".
He called me back but I ignored him going up the stairs. I got up and headed straight for his room, entering inside angrily.
He's taking her side? And not mine. She was shedding crocodile tears. How could he not see that?
I removed the robe and tossed it back on the bed. I ran my hands through my hair nervously as I stood in front of the mirror.
I turned to see Lucas. I ignored him and went to the bed sitting on it.
He made his way into the room with the breakfast tray in his hands dropping it on the dresser before coming to meet me.
"I'm not talking to you".
He chuckled and placed his lips on my exposed thighs trailing kisses upwards. I gasped and moved away from him.
He smiled. "You said you weren't talking to me, remember?".
"Haha". I rolled my eyes. "Very funny".
"I'm sorry".
He got on the bed as well placing a kiss on my forehead then stared into my eyes.
"You are so handsome". I tugged on his ear playfully and he laughed.
"So ... ". He kissed me again. "Have I been forgiven, your highness?".
I shrugged. "Maybe".
I lowered my back on the bed as Lucas towered over me and placed a kiss on my lips, I wrapped my hands around his neck as he deepened the kiss.
"I love you, Chloe".
He trailed kisses from my lips to my neck sucking on it. I pulled him closer to me as I muttered an 'I love you' back to him.

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