Chapter 35

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The doorbell ringing distracted me from what I was doing. I let my hair fall down and walk out of the room heading towards the main entrance.
I went to the main door and opened it to see Lucas by the doorstep. I closed it back and exhaled before opening it again.
"Oh wow. What a great way of saying welcome to someone".
I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?".
"Can't I just come in?".
I sighed and made way for him to pass and he entered. I closed the door, bolting it shut.
"So what are you doing here?".
"Merry Christmas Eve".
"Okay, look, I know that you are supposed to be on a holiday but I've got some work to do at that office".
I arched my eyebrows. "And you need my help?".
"Yeah, Chloe, please".
I sighed. "Fine, boss. It's not like I have any other thing to do anyways".
I heard my phone ringing loudly from my room piercing through the silent aura.
"Wait here. I'll just go take that". I told him and walked back to my room.
I got in and glanced at the missed call. It is always Brianna all the time.
I sighed and dropped the phone back on the table looking back at the mirror trying to pack my hair up in a high ponytail.
I glanced back at Lucas. "As a visitor, you are supposed to wait in the living room".
"I don't see myself as a visitor".
"Then what are you?". I asked, sarcasm obvious in my tone.
"Your boyfriend".
"You wish".
"Chloe". He walked towards me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss another girl. I love you so much".
I froze as he said that word. Love.
"Lucas, I__".
"So will you be my girlfriend?".
I turn to face him. "If I say yes then you should know that I'm a jealous freak, like if I see you kissing a bitch then__".
"Hey!!". He protested. "I get it. I won't ever cheat on you, you are my Miss Crazy".
I smiled shyly. "Then I'll be your girlfriend".
He kissed me but the phone ringing interrupted us again. I looked back at the screen and saw it was still Brianna.
"Why aren't you answering the call?". He asked, hugging me from behind.
"Nothing. I'm just worried for Brie, she thinks that Liam's ex wife and Lili's Mum is back".
"Yeah. But I already told her to handle it all by herself. I can't babysit her all the time, if she wants something, she needs to get it herself".
"I'm sure she and Liam will find a way out". He assured me.
I breathed out. "I hope so. For once, I want Brie to have a family and I hope she gets it".
"So are you ready?". He asked me to place kisses on my cheeks.
"Yes, Lucas. I just need to pack my hair".
"You don't need to. You'll wear a warmer one, right? It's snowing outside".
"Really?". My eyes lightened up. "I love playing with the snow, especially when I get to mold it into a ball and throw it at others".
He laughed in response, trailing kisses from my cheeks to my neckline. I withdrew and glared at him.
"Don't you think we should go now? You don't want to be late".
"Firstly, we'll be the only ones at work and it's just for an hour. Secondly, I own the work so I can be late anytime I want".
I only smiled as he went for my lips again kissing me, his hands moved to my ass pressing it softly.
We kissed for minutes before he moved me straight to my bed. I sat on it still in a deep kiss with Lucas.
He placed kisses on my face as I brushed my hands over his back. He kissed my lips again with his hands brushing into my shirt.
He cupped my b**bs and squeezed softly, I moaned pulling him closer. He kissed me again while I ran my hands through his hair.
He then pulled away. "Wow. That was a hell of a kiss".
"And that's the last time I'm doing this''. I tell him to stand up.
He chuckled softly. "You are dating me, it can't be the last time".
I breathed out putting the last file back in the desk after arranging the important ones first.
Okay, that's enough work for today.
Thankfully, Chloe helped with everything and also sorted out the deals with various companies in scale of preference.
My phone rang and I glanced at the caller's I.D. Miranda appeared on the screen.
Why is she calling?
I grabbed my phone from the table and then answered the phone call. Her voice came up immediately.
"L-Lucas?". She said hoarsely and I knew she was crying.
"Miranda. What's wrong?".
She bursted into tears over the phone. "I'm so... ".
I cut the call immediately, the door opened and Chloe stepped in. I put my phone on airplane mode so Miranda wouldn't call again.
"Who was that?". Chloe arched her eyebrows walking over to me.
"No one". I hastily said. "Just someone".
I can't tell her it's Miranda.
She told me herself that she's a jealous freak and I can't risk that.
"Are you sure because it was when__".
I pulled her closer into a kiss, shutting her up immediately. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I slipped my hands round her waist as well.
Maybe this is better than lying to her.
Just maybe
"Liam!!". I whined. "When is Lili coming back?".
"In an hour".
"What? But you said she'll be back in two minutes".
He groaned, continuing what he was doing. I chuckled as I watched him set up the Christmas tree.
"It's so beautiful. Where did you get a tree like that?".
"I remember you forcing me to cut down one myself". He replied.
"Yeah and you were so brave".
He shook his head and put on the large star before he climbed down the ladder then came to give me a kiss.
"So what's next?". He asked me to pull away.
"That's it. All the decorations are up, wait, what about the fireplace?".
"I did that already, everything is in place just like you instructed me".
"Thank you".
He smiled and kissed me on the forehead before moving over to my lips. He nibbled on my lower lips as I encircled my hands in his hair.
He kissed me softly as he gently brushed his hands into my tank top, I moaned as he cupped my breasts softly.
I delved my hands into his hair ruffling it as he trailed kisses from my mouth to my neck kissing the hollow.
He pecked my lips before withdrawing, he stared at me with a little smile. His eyes were already darkened with passion and love.
"Maybe we should take this upstairs". He said huskily.
I giggled lightly. "Maybe".
I stood up and he knelt down instead, I got confused, like literally.
"Umm, Liam. What are you doing?".
"I suck at marriage proposals but I can't wait to say this".
He dipped his hands in his pockets and brought out a jewelry box. He opened it and I gasped, inside was a ring glittering with real diamonds.
"Okay, it doesn't matter if I don't say all those sweet words and stuff like that but Brianna Anderson, will you marry me?".
I was befuddled. "Liam. Are you serious right now?".
"Yeah. So will you marry me?".
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I nodded not speaking, I was still surprised by the whole thing.
"Is it a yes or a no?".
I laughed out of tears. "Of course, it's a Yes".
He breathed out and stood up kissing me on my lips. Then he took my fingers putting on the engagement diamond classy ring.
He kissed me again when the doorbell rang all of a sudden. I looked at Liam confused, could Lily be back? But she won't ring the doorbell.
Liam walked over to the door opening it and I paused seeing a very familiar woman, the same person on that portrait in the hall.
"Trisha". He spoke up coldly. "What are you doing?".
She smiled at him and I sighted her with luggage. Why is that?
"I came back". She smirked. "Just like I said I would".

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