Chapter 56

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"I'll sign them". She bursted into tears. "I'll give away my rights as Lili's mother. I won't get to see her anymore".
I was really glad to hear that Brianna will no longer have a rival but at the same time, I feel a little bit sorry for Trisha.
But if she loved Lillian this much. Then why did she leave her in the first place? Hm?
"So the divorce papers?". I asked, trying to know if she's being serious.
"Tell Williams to send them over".
I nodded and turned walking out of the kitchen heading outside the main entrance.
"Uncle Lucas?". Lili had her arms stretched out for me.
I smiled and carried her in my arms then unlocked the car doors. I opened the front door and placed her on the seat attaching the seat belt.
She pouted. "But I don't need the seatbelt anyways".
"You need it". I told her to get in as well.
"You always drive safely so why do I get to have this all the time? It restricts me".
"I'm not removing it".
She pouted even more cutely so I looked away not to be affected. I insert the key in the ignition and then turn on the engine.
"Uncle Lucas?". Lili spoke up as I drove out through the gates.
"You are not taking that seatbelt off".
"No, it's not that ''.
I glanced at her. "Then what?".
"Why didn't you want me to accept what my Momma gave to me? The chocolate chip cookies?".
Oh Jeez! How do I explain to an eight year old that her mother attempted to take a person's life?!
"Well Brianna is allergic to cookies, that's why". I lied.
"What? That's not true, Mommy loves those kinds of cookies so much. She makes my Daddy get them for her every time when her belly is just fat".
"Well she doesn't like them anymore".
"But why? Is something wrong? Or are you just lying to me?".
How come Lilliana is so inquisitive? Isn't she eight years old? Eight year olds are all meant to be talking about toys and all that.
"Uncle Lucas?". She spoke up. "Tell me or is it because Momma doesn't like my own Mommy?".
"Well they are not on good terms". I said to her while I drove steadily.
"Oh. But I can make them like each other, right?".
I sighed softly. "No. You can't, Lili".
"Yes, I can ".
I ignored driving at a steady rate hoping to get to the hospital in time just before Liam decides to leave though.
"Uncle Lucas?".
Oh God! Help me.
"Yes, baby?".
"Is Aunt Chloe your ... ". She trails off as she giggles. "Is she your girlfriend?".
Walt. What?
"Lili". I warned her.
"I just want you to say something. I'm so bored in this convertible, can't you drive faster so I can meet my Mommy already?".
"Yes, Aunt Chloe is my girlfriend. Why?".
"Daddy says she's crazy".
I look at him surprised. "What?".
"I told Daddy I wanted to be just like her and he said that I shouldn't because she is so crazy".
Williams! Expected of him to say that. I might just mention this to Chloe so he can get a beating.
"Why do you want to be like her?". I asked instead.
"I love her fights". I notice Lili's eyes light up as she talks about Chloe nonstop.
"So have you seen her fighting before?".
"Uh-Huh. Yeah, when some guy pointed a gun at Mommy. It was like months ago".
My heart clenched as I remembered what happened, Chloe taking a bullet for Anna and then she went unconscious.
Lauren tries to kill her to which she fails. I can say that Chloe is the type of person that hardly sulks about things, they just deal with it their own way.
"Are we there yet?". Lili asks.
"Just a few more minutes, baby".
Soon I got there and pulled over at the hospital's parking lot. Immediately I stopped the car, Lili opened the door and ran out.
I opened mine and stepped out chuckling as I closed the car doors locking it shut.
I put the keys in my pockets and walked to the main entrance directly. In minutes, I got to where Brianna's ward was and thankfully I saw Lilian.
I smiled as I watched Liam lift her in his arms making her squeal and giggled excitedly. I always loved their father-daughter moment.
Maybe someday I'll have my own child, then I'll treat her lovingly. Yeah, I will since cute babies are my weakness.
"Thanks, Man". Liam said, seeing me as he dropped Lilian.
"No biggie".
"Daddy. Where's Mommy!". She squealed, jumping up. "Can I see her now ? Where is she?".
"Lilian. Mommy is still resting".
"Oh". Her face fell then brightened up in seconds again. "What about my baby sister and brother? Can I see them now?".
Liam looks at me and I shrug. It won't hurt if she gets a glimpse of them.
"Alright baby". He scooped her swiftly in his arms. "Let's go see Jayden and Jana".
"You don't wanna join us?". Liam asks. "I know how much you like babies, you're not going?".
"Maybe I'll join you later".
He nods and faces Lilian. "Come on. Off to meet your twin younger siblings".
I laugh as she squeals all the way as Liam strides down the hallway. How cute is she!
I turned and saw her. "Chloe?".
"You are back?".
"Oh, um, yeah. I just dropped Lili off now with Liam, they are heading to see the baby well actually, babies".
She nodded in response. "Right".
"You are not with Brianna? I thought you were with her in her ward before".
"Brie's asleep, said she's feeling drained out. It's her first time giving birth so she tends to be worn out by it ''.
I smiled reassuringly. "She'll be fine".
"Yeah, she'll". Chloe sighs. "Wow. I never knew having a baby would be like that".
"You didn't know it'll take a lot of time?".
"And screaming". She adds. "Biting, feeling a whole lot of pain, sometimes crying".
I laugh heartily. "So what are you saying? You are not going to have babies?".
"Precisely". She went over to sit on one of the waiting chairs.
I sat by her confused. "What do you mean by that ?".
"They are a whole lot of work, Lucas and I don't think I'm ready for a child yet, not at all".
Oh jeez! Why did she say that ? But I love babies and she doesn't want to have them yet? This is a problem.
"Daddy. Come on, hurry up". Lili rushes down the stairs as she says this.
"I'm right behind you, baby so no stressing out".
"But we are late". She huffs angrily. "And it's all your fault".
I cocked my head to look at her. "How is it my fault?".
"You spent an hour there".
"Lilian, stop whining. It doesn't matter if we are late or not".
"But it does, Daddy. I wanna see Jayden and Jana while they are awake. I need to see their lovely blue eyes again".
I sighed as we got downstairs. Brianna will be discharged from the hospital today with Jayden and for some reason, Lili wanted us to be there early.
"Daddy!". She whines. "Let's go already".
"Hey guys". Trisha strolls into the living room. "I heard voices".
"Momma". Lili runs to give her a hug.
I smile a little. It's heartwarming to see that Lili still loves her mother even though she left her years ago.
"Are you guys going somewhere?". Trisha asked, glancing at me.
"We want to go pick up Mommy and my baby brother too. Will you tag along?".
"No, Lilian. Momma has to do something very important first".
Trisha walked over to the glass table and then picked up a file handing it over to me.
I stared at it then at her before accepting it, I opened it taking out a piece of paper and realized that it was the divorce papers.
And holy moly! She signed it. She freaking signed the divorce papers. Wait. What?".
"Daddy". Lili tugs on my arm. "Aren't we going anymore?".
"Lili. Why don't you wait in the car for me ?". I replied, still staring at Trisha.
"Are you surprised? They are not fake if it's what you are thinking".
"You signed it?".
"Why did you do it all of a sudden?". I asked her, confused.
"Well last week, I actually learnt a lesson from what Lucas said to me. He made me realize that even if I couldn't get you, I still have my daughter's love and that's what matters to me".
"But how? I thought you hated Brianna? If this is one of your tricks, Trisha. Then trust me, I won't spare you".
"You know, you shouldn't see me as the enemy here. Try worrying about Lauren Hills, she's the one trying to make Brianna miserable a day from now".

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