Chapter 63

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"Your sister, I mean, Lauren got into an accident along with her friend, Emilia".
"Emilia died on the spot but Lauren is being admitted in the hospital. She lost a lot of blood and I was thinking ... ".
Wait. He doesn't mean ...
"Dad?". I scoffed. "You are not seriously going to ask me to donate blood to her now, right!".
"How can you think of saying such a thing to me?". I said, interrupting him.
"Well I didn't say anything bad now, did I?".
"How can you ask me to donate blood to Lauren! Dad, I just fucking gave birth". I yell over the phone.
"She's dying, Brianna, please".
"Then why the fuck did you call me? Isn't she your legitimate daughter like you say all the time? Huh?".
"Brianna, not now, please". He pleaded over the phone, sounding desperate.
"Not now? Then when? When are we going to talk about the fact that you've always preferred Lauren to me? That you always chose her side over mine".
"This is not the right time".
"And this is not the right time to call me too, I'm not going to give my blood to the same person who loved seeing me in misery".
"She despised me". I continued talking over the phone tearfully. "I was tagged a bastard all because of Lauren. She never wanted to see me happy and now you say that I should save her?".
"Brianna. All what happened was my fault, I was the one who chose to play favoritism among my daughters so I'm to be blamed for that, not Lauren".
"Dad. No, Lauren is the same person who tried conniving with my ex boyfriend to steal my children. I'm sure you don't know that".
"Then we'll talk about this when you get here to__".
"I'm not donating blood to any fucking sister of mine. She can go to hell for all I care".
I disconnected the call angrily as hot tears slid down my face. Liam pulled me close to himself as I cried on his chest.
"Do you want to tell me about it?". He asked gruffly, his voice filled with emotion.
"It's my Dad". I continued crying. "I can't believe he will have the guts to ask me that at all".
"Ask you what! Anna, I'm confused here".
I sniffed back tears and stepped away from him as I wiped my cheeks with my hands. I looked up to see him staring at me with concern.
"Are you okay!". He whispered as he wiped my tears with his thumbs.
"I'm fine, Liam".
"You need to stop crying. It doesn't suit you that much, Anna".
He wiped my cheeks with his thumbs again and then kissed me softly pulling away to stare at me again.
"Did that help!".
"Yeah". I giggled loving the feel of his lips on mine. "Yeah, that helped a lot".
"So do you mind telling me why you began crying after that phone call from your Dad ?".
"He called because Lauren". I told him fiddling with my fingers.
"What happened to her?".
I took a deep breath. "She got into an accident with Emilia. Emilia died on the spot but Lauren is in the hospital right now".
"Lauren survived it but she's currently in the hospital and needs a blood donor since she's losing a lot of blood right now".
Liam didn't say anything. He simply sat on the waiting chair and stared into space, his eyes full of emotion and unseen tears.
He flinched a little. "Jeez! Chloe. Seriously? Hey!".
"What? Hey. I'm just kidding".
"Well I'm taking us to the best bridal shop".
My eyes dimmed brightly. "What?".
"Yeah. Cruz. They are the best, at least, that's what Google told me but I'm sure that it's definitely good with the pictures I saw".
"Lucas. A bridal shop?". I asked, looking surprised.
"Yeah. But I don't think you look excited at the sound of all this. You don't want to go to the bridal shop or what?".
"No, that's not it. I'd love to go there and pick out a wedding gown, yeah but .. ".
"Is something wrong? Chloe. Or please do not tell you are re-thinking about getting married to me because I'll just kill myself immediately".
"Jeez! No". I was taken aback. "It's not that at all. I will never go back on the marriage stuff, I love you so much, okay?".
He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Okay. So what is it then?".
"Lucas. Don't you think that it's too early for all this? I mean, you just proposed to me today, you know".
"And who cares about that? I'm just eager to get married to you".
"But isn't it too hasty or what?".
"No, Chloe. I love you and I want us to get married, you know, if I have my way, I'll get married to you today".
I blushed slightly. "You gotta be kidding me, Lucas. You can't possibly do that".
"Oh. I can do that. I can't just wait for you to bear my name and then you will be then addressed as Mrs. Chloe Knights".
I bursted into laughter. "Seriously?!".
"I love you so much, Chloe. Okay? So you shouldn't get worried about all this. If you want, I can just drive us back home".
"No , Lucas. It's fine. I guess shopping for a wedding dress is never too early". I joked.
He smiled at me warmly and unlocked the car doors. He quickly came to open the car door for me as a gentleman and I stepped out.
CRELUZ was boldly engraved on the large building and it was really fancy, probably looking so expensive glittering in wealth.
Oh Chloe! I guess this is real. You are actually getting married. This is actually happening and not a dream.
Wow! Just wow!
"Come on". He pecked my lips and held my hand.
I smiled at him as we walked in with me being all nervous. It was as if time stopped as the workers there stared at Lucas in astonishment.
Oh right! I forgot! He's Lucas Knights. One of the wealthiest in New York City.
"Good day, Sir Lucas". The manager of the CRUZ walked to us. "It's a pleasure to have you here. How may we be of help!".
"My fiance needs the best wedding gown in New York City and I'm sure you have that for her, don't you!".
Lucas glanced at me, winking sweetly as I became nervous of the gazes on me from the workers around staring at us.
My cheeks flushed as he called me fiancee and I realized that soon, I'll be his wife. It's like a dream come true.
Liam didn't say anything. He simply sat on the waiting chair and stared into space, his eyes full of emotion and unseen tears.
"Liam?". I whispered sitting next to him.
"It's all my fault".
I sat next to him as I stared at his cute face, tracing my eyes down to his Adam apple before looking back into his eyes again.
"What are you talking about?".
"If I hadn't led Lauren on that I'll marry her, if I didn't see her as just a fling and if only I didn't toy with the relationship then maybe all this wouldn't have happened".
"I don't know what you are talking about".
He sighed. "Lauren hated you, yes I know that. But I only fueled the hate only more by dumping her for you".
"No, Liam. That was not your fault, she cheated on you with Nicholas, don't you remember that?".
"Yes but. Somehow I feel that part of this is my fault. I mean, she has been trying to get me away from you all this while".
"It doesn't mean it's your fault". I snapped at him.
"Yeah, maybe. But the fact remains that she hates you even more because you have me".
"And I love it even more that I have you ".
"And the kids". He added chuckling.
"Yes and the kids. I'm happy because I now have you, Lilian, Jayden and Jana by my side".
"Brianna. Do you realize what you just said?".
I looked at him confused. "Huh?".
"You just called Lilliana your daughter".
"Of course, she's my daughter. She's our daughter. I may not be her real mother but I love her like my own".
"And I love you for that". He raised my palm to squeeze it affectionately.
I giggled as he kissed it several times making me feel a whole lot happier than before easing my sadness.
My phone rang again and I glanced at it to see it was my Dad. Like seriously? I'm not giving Lauren any of my blood.
"Why's he calling? I'm not letting you go to see her. You just gave birth".
"I know, Liam. I'll just talk to him ".
"Dad". I say as I connect the call.
"Are you on your way?".
"What do you mean by that! I'm not going to go there. Why can't you donate your own blood to her? Huh?".
"The doctor said my blood doesn't match with her and I need you to come here so I just want to make sure that__".
"That what?". I butted in.
"That she's actually my daughter".

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