Chapter 62

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I glanced at Chloe expecting her to at least say something about where I'm taking her to but she didn't say anything.
I watched as she stared at the engagement ring on her finger admiring and adoring it like it was some priceless treasure.
Wow. She must really love that ring.
"Chloe?". I spoke up clearing my throat.
"Yeah?". She answered with her eyes still focused on the ring. "Lucas?".
"You have been staring at that ring ever since I started driving. Do you love me that much ?". I joked.
"I just .. ". She sighed softly. "I can't believe that you asked me to marry you, that's it".
"What? Of course, I did. I'm in love with you, didn't I tell you that?".
"Well yeah but .. ". She glanced at me. "I have never received this much love from any man before".
"Then that's because they are so blind to see the worth that's in front of them".
"Hm. I've never been lucky with guys at all, having lost my father at a young age and then raised by a heartless mother__".
"Chloe ... ".
"And then having this stupid dumb ass to lie to you just to take your virginity in high school".
"What?". I asked, looking at her.
"Back in high school. When I was 16, I lost my virginity to this cocky basketball player who I thought loved me".
"I've had a lot of experiences with different guys who broke my heart turn by turn. But hey! I've not dated more guys than Brie has".
I smiled a little. "How many guys ?".
"Well my heart has been broken by five guys but Brie ... ". She chuckled lightly. "I'm pretty sure she heard 'I love you' from ten or eleven guys, basically".
"Wow". I said, chuckling a bit. "Oh Gosh!".
"But at least no one got to embarrass her in public with a sex leak video". Chloe added.
I stared at her as she said that and then focused on the road again as I drove but I couldn't keep what she said out of my mind.
What did she mean by that? One of her ex boyfriends humiliated her or what!
Hm. Maybe that's the reason she decided to get all tough and macho giving up all the soft feelings away, trashing them behind.
I'm really curious about her past. But hey! I have to trust her.
"So where are we heading to?". Chloe spoke up looking outside the window.
"Oh so now you are interested in where I am driving us to?". I asked, pretending to get angry.
She chuckled, hitting me. "You are crazy, Lucas".
"So try guessing?".
"Hm. I don't know".
"Try guessing, Chloe".
"Tell me where you are taking me to this instant, Lucas or I will punch your balls".
I flinched a little. "Jeez! Chloe. Seriously?".
"What? Hey. I'm just kidding".
"Well I'm taking us to the best bridal shop".
"Right. I bet she's so happy right now".
"Uh, Brianna? I got something to tell you".
I looked up at Liam to see he looked pretty serious right now. What could be wrong?
"Are you okay?". I asked, holding his hands affectionately.
"Well I, um ... ".
"Liam, are you okay? Did something go wrong?".
"It's about Trisha".
"What about her?". I spoke up as my voice sounded like a croaky whisper.
"She signed the divorce papers". He blurted out. "Earlier this morning".
"What? She signed them? ".
He nodded in response. "Yeah".
"Just like that? She signed the divorce papers and then handed it over to you just like that?".
"Brianna. Why are you sounding like that? It looks like you aren't happy".
"Of course, I'm happy, Liam. I don't just trust Trisha one bit. I mean, didn't it bother you as to why she gave up just like that ?".
He sighed softly. "Brianna. As long as she will leave my life. I really don't care what intentions she had behind signing those papers".
"But what if she's planning something! And then there's actually a hidden agenda behind those divorce papers?".
"Anna ... ". He cupped my cheeks staring into my eyes. "Look, you don't need to stress yourself about all of that".
"I'm just worried, Liam. I mean, Trisha is so cunning and it's not my fault if I don't trust her ".
"She did it for Lilliana".
"Trisha signed the divorce papers for Lili, all she wants is just to mother her daughter and that's it".
"Oh". I mouthed.
"And I guess she felt threatened seeing you in the family's picture". He added too. "She thinks Lili will forget about her".
"Ooh. Well I know that Lili loves me but I can't be compared to her. She's her real mother so I don't see any reason for the hate".
Liam shrugged. "That's Trisha for you. She doesn't like competition for attention tho".
"Well I'm happy she won't be a pest to my life again". I said feeling relieved.
"Yeah". He kissed my cheeks. "I've made sure of that".
"I love you, Liam". I whispered to him.
He beamed brightly. "I love you too. Anna".
Liam pulled in for a kiss and I opened up my mouth to reciprocate his kiss as he pressed me closer to him, encircling my waist.
"Eww! Daddy! What are you doing to my Mommy?!".
I bursted into laughter immediately on what Lily said as I stepped away from Liam whose expression was really priceless.
"Oh God!". He turned around to face her groaning. "Lilliana. You don't interrupt two grown ups when they are busy with their stuffs".
"But I hate that stuff. It's yuck". She said face palming herself while I laughed.
Liam scoffed looking at me. "You think it's funny? She's only eight!".
"And she's just a child". I added. "You don't need to get worked up on all this, you know".
"But I'm not a child". Lilian pouted. "I'm a big girl, right, Mummy?".
"Of course, you are a big girl". Liam replied, tweaking her cheeks. "But you are still my little girl if you remember".
I laughed again as Lili swathed his hand away, annoyed that he had called her a little girl.
"Kids". Liam said, shaking his head.
"Well you have two more if you remember, Mr. Paige".
He wanted to reply to the statement when he was interrupted by my phone ringing. Liam handed it to me and I realized he was with my phone.
I glanced at the caller's I.D before picking the call. Dad. What does he want again?
"Hello. Dad?". I said as I connected the call.
His voice sounded distant and worried.
"Dad. Is everything okay? You sound like something bad happened".
"Your sister, I mean, Lauren got into an accident along with her friend, Emilia".
"Emilia died on the spot but Lauren is being admitted in the hospital. She lost a lot of blood and I was thinking ... ".

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