Chapter 31

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"I'm sorry I didn't get leads on who attacked you."  Zane kissed Sierra's hand as he drove them back to the pack.

"It was a long shot anyways since not every Alpha was there.  It's been over a year.  It's alright.  We'll probably never find out who did it."

"I won't stop until I make them pay."  He growled out.

Sierra was silent as she contemplated his statement.  "I'm conflicted on what I want you to do."

"What do you mean?"

"I think whoever was behind it should be held accountable, but I don't know how."  She frowned, thinking.

"That's easy, I'll kill them."

Shocked, even though she shouldn't be, Sierra squeezed his hand.  "I don't want you to."

"What?!  After murdering your whole pack, you'd let them get away with it?"

"I don't think violence is the answer.  Whoever did this, they must have family, too.  I've had enough of killing."

"What would you have me do, sweetheart?"  This was a new development for him.

"I don't know, but the answer to death isn't more death.  If you do find them, maybe you could get other Alphas together and have a trial or something.  If you prove the wolf was guilty, then the council decides what the punishment would be.  But not killing them.  That would punish his mate or children who probably had nothing to do with it."

Smiling at her, he felt his heart melt.  "Sweetheart, you are too kind.  We'll see.  I make no promises right now.  This is all speculation anyway, since I have very few leads.  Brian and Scott only came up with three names who might be angry enough to orchestrate this.  Unfortunately, it's going to be a while until I can go talk to them face to face.  We've been gone over a week, and Steve won't be back for a while.  I'm sure there will be loads to catch up on, especially with both of us absent."

"How are you feeling about Lily and Brittany?"

He sighed.  "I knew this day would come, but I'm still not prepared.  I'm kinda happy Andrew is taking Lily to his pack for a while.  I suggested they go on a long vacation.  Visit other packs and have some fun.  Take her mind off of things that will never be."

"He seemed very upset about the whole situation."

"I would be if I were him.  She expressed her displeasure about his lack of rank in front of strangers who are Alphas.  They are mates, though, and the bond will eventually smooth things over.  It's practically impossible to stay angry at your mate for long."

"I wouldn't know."  She whispered as she looked out the window.

You're not going to say anything to cheer her up?

No, if I do, she might figure it out.  We can't risk it now.

Stop being afraid.  What happened to the guy who embraced all those horrid rumors?

He found his mate, who was too young to claim.

You could still say something.

I refuse to risk damaging our bond.  She doesn't cry every day.  She gets better and stronger every day.  No, we have to wait.

Sierra could tell Zane was talking to Xavier.  She wondered what they were saying, but the conversation started making her sad.

"Do you think I put enough fear into Miles?"

"Considering he was sweating, I would say so.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to miss Brittany."

"I'm glad the two of you finally put the differences aside and became friends."

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