Chapter 8

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I didn't see that coming.

Me neither.  I expected her to say no.

"I should start at the very beginning.  First, I want to know how you think werewolves came to be.  What do you believe happened?"

"The Goddess Selene created us."  He thought back to his lessons from his mother but came up blank.  "That's all I remember."

"Selene is the Greek name of our mother.  The Romans called her Luna.  That part is correct.  She did not create werewolves.  We were the result of a curse."

"A curse?"  Zane hadn't heard a curse was involved with their creation.

"Her brother, Helios, the Sun God cursed her children."

It seems our brother wasn't the first to betray family.

"Even though he had lovers and children, he envied Selene's relationship with Endymion.  They were truly in love with each other and had fifty daughters."

"That's common knowledge now."

"Perhaps, but not everyone knows what happened to them.  In a fit of jealously, Helios cursed the daughters.  Whenever Selene appeared, they turned into monstrous wolves.  They were nothing similar to werewolves today.  In a strange twist, wolves are associated with Helios and not Selene."

I wonder how she knows this, if it's true.

"Distraught, Selene turned to Artemis and Hecate.  Unfortunately, most of their efforts to undo the curse made it worse.  The daughters and Endymion got more vicious, even when in human form.  Instead, the three Goddesses were forced to change the curse.  They separated the animal spirit and the human spirit.  This made it possible to shift back and forth voluntarily."

She's making this up.

I don't think she is.  Will you shut up and listen?

"Helios further tormented Selene by tricking Endymion to rape every girl in a hundred miles.  Those girls gave birth to males who were also cursed to become werewolves.  Thankfully, the males had separate spirits and could shift when they wanted.  That spell had been in effect before those girls gave birth."

This sounds like a bad Halloween movie.  It's very entertaining but has no sense of reality.

"Helios was angry when he discovered what the Goddesses had done.  Artemis, Hecate, and Selene gave the daughters gifts besides the ability to control the wolf spirit.  They gave us long life, I'm sure you personally know wolves close to two hundred years old.  Hecate gave Selene the power to create mates.  We also received fast healing, along with a healthy resistance to normal human weapons.  Bullets can hurt, but they won't kill us."

True, but all wolves know that.

"When Helios learned the extent to which his curse had been changed, he decided to do something different.   By this time, the daughters had children and grandchildren.  They numbered in the thousands.  And all of them worshipped Selene.  She loved all the werewolves, even the ones not from her blood."

Sierra took a break and got some water.  She hasn't talked this much in a long time.  She could tell he didn't fully believe her.  At least he waited for her to tell the whole thing.

"Helios started a war between the two factions of wolves.  Using subterfuge, he convinced the males to attack the females.  Selene's wolves ultimately won, but at a high cost.  It is said that on that day, the moon was covered in blood."

"Wait, that's the story of how Blood Moon formed."

"Yes.  When the war ended, many lives had been lost.  Selene wanted all the wolves to be together instead of being separated by pure blood and imposters.  She bestowed the title of Alpha on her general, and Beta on the other general.  Bringing all wolves under their control.  Selene named the new pack Blood Moon to remind them of the cost of fighting and who was responsible for their well-being."

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