"It's you guys fault!"

"What did we do? We did nothing!" Cole yelled. "Exactly, I said I was hungry and wanted a sandwich but you guys did nothing!"

"Are you for real?! " we all yelled at her. "Yes, you made fun of all week!"

"I didn't!" I yelled. "Me neither" Harley added. "Same" Bianca said.

"But you all laughed when the guys made jokes!" She replied. "It was funny!" The guys yelled.

"Well, you know what's funny now? You're green and here is a fun fact...it's gonna take 2 to 3 weeks to get it off"

"What?!" We all exclaimed.

"Yes, I guess I put the fun in funny" she finished with a fulfilled smile. "You hear that guys? Now we are the butt of the joke"

"This is insane, Chloe! You're a crazy human being!" Jayson said.

"It runs in our blood, so deal with it" she answered. "Are you for real? My hair is damaged and only Lord knows what that substance was"

"Yeah, only he knows" she agreed, sipping from the mug. "You don't go around with this outrageous pranks!" Carson said.

"I know and you don't go around making fun of someone" she replied. "Yellow would have been better" Mason mumbled.

"What's your problem with the colour, dude? It's Charlotte's favourite, she loves it" she said.

"I don't, I love the colour but not on me, I hate it!" I yelled looking down at my arm.

"Come on guys! On the bright side, you've got a party to plan" she added, still sipping from the mug. "What oarty?" Austin asked.

"Oh, haven't I mentioned?"

"Mention what, Chloe?" Carson asked. "I kinda...sort of sent out words about the epic all night party hosted by the one and only... Parkers!"

"There's not been any invites"

"Don't worry I took care of that, a butt load of people are coming. Who would want to miss the Parker's party?"

"What the fuck, Chloe?!" We all exclaimed. "And oh, I called Beverly"

"What?" Austin yelled. "Yes, I invited her specially and she has a boyfriend, Austin. Hopefully he comes too, she said she would love to party with the Parker's"

"She said that?" He asked.

"Does it matter? We are gonna look like freaks at our own party" I said. "How could you do this, Chloe"

"Well, I drugged you all with sleeping pills last night, waited for an hour before going to all the rooms and...you know...doing that"

"You ruined my love life!" Austin yelled. "You don't have a love life, give up!"

"Do you know what you've just invoked?" Cole asked. "A prank war" Austin answered

"Oh please, I'm the queen of pranks" she bragged. "It doesn't matter, Chloe. You ruined my hair" I said.

"Well, you have hair and I don't. I'm bald!" She yelled. "You caused it" Calvin said.

"Just like you did to yourself" she walked past us. "And you could call yourselves the green teens! Fits better " she walked out laughing.

"It's not funny!" Austin yelled. "Look in the mirror" she called out.



I got down the stairs, pulling the sleeves of my white shirt to cover my hands, I didn't want to see any of the green room on me.

I was more than pissed off, what kind of lunatics lives in this house?

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