ch 25; Vah Naboris

Start from the beginning

"No?" Riju asks and takes Link's head gesture as he answered her.
Link gasps and turns back at her with worries in the eyes.
" I ehm... No... " he sighs.
"... I don't think he should help us... He is fighting something else at the moment... And shouldn't join the battle without a clear head..." he explains.

The princess stays silent for a while until she nods.
" Alright... I think you are right. Besides... I'm sure it's easier to distract Vah Naboris if there aren't too many people to get its attention... "

*** A few moments later***

Link gives Linkly a nervous look from the shrine outside the walls to the town.
"... You don't mind if I'm leaving you here while I'm taking care of the divine beast?"

The smaller hylian looks tiredly up at him.
"... N-no... Besides... I'm kinda used to it by now..." he shrugs.
"... And I'm kinda tired ..." he adds mostly to himself.

Link's face wrinkles into a grimace when he gets a frown. Not sure if Linky was accusing him of leaving him behind... Or something.
He scoffs.
" Well... I don't think- ... It would be good if you got hitted by the lightning in your- ... Ehm..." he averts the eyes and furrows the eyebrows.
"... -Current situation..." he clears the throat and doesn't wanna to mention the growing child. He even barely wanna think about it either.

Linkly nods.
"... Yeah... Maybe not..."

Link glances back at him.
" So... I'm leaving now... Try not doing anything reckless, okay?" He points out and gets another nod from him.
Even though it feels wrong leaving him behind, he is feeling somewhat relieved when he starts walking toward the south.
Luckily for him, it's evening, and the heat feels kinda manageable. Kinda lukewarm. The wind blows softly at him and runs through the hair.
Hopefully, it's a good sign...

Linky follows Link's movements with the eyes for a while.
Then he sighs and starts walking toward the gate to reenter the town.
A man stands outside the walls and tries peeking curiously into the town.
Linkly raises an eyebrow and starts eyeing him up and down. The man seems to have a few pounds too much. The hair is dark, and he has eyeglasses. Except that, he isn't looking very unique. A hylian. Nothing more. And nothing less.

It seems as if Linkly accidentally stared a bit too long at the man, 'Cause he notices how Linkly looked at him.
The man flinches and turns toward him while eyeing Linkly curiously up and down.
"OH?!" He bursts out and startled Linkly, who shyly starts averting the eyes while the heart pounds faster.
The man chuckles and walks toward him.

Linkly stiffens and swallows hardly.
The man smiles widely.
" It seems it's my lucky day~... I have been trying to find a cute woman for a long while now... And here you come... Looking like my kind of dream woman!... Blue eyes... Blond hair... And tender... You are perfect!"

The blonde hylian laughs nervously. How did he get a creep on him?!

The stranger grabs his hand in his. And makes Linkly to gasp jolting where an uneasy feeling runs through the body.
"... So?... Are you here alone? Do you want to join a little journey with me?... I want to find a statue who looks like a sword... It can be our date~" he suggests and keeps eyeing Linkly as the eyes were trying to see through the clothes.

Linkly let's out another awkward laugh who sounds as a grunt.
He tries protesting by shaking the head and taking the hand back from the man.

But the man prevents him from getting the hand back by grasping it tighter. Creeping Linkly out even more.
" Oh?... You aren't very talkative?... That's no problem for me... It's only charming, and I love when women know their place..." he says in a low voice where the other hand starts running down along the side of Linkly's body by his waist. Giving Linkly goosebumps in displeasure from the touch.

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