Part Twenty-Six

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I knock on the door and Minho answers, "Hey guys. Come in, come in."

"Oh hey!" Chan waves at me cheerfully, then stops when he sees David behind me. Hyunjin walks out with an excited smile, but then his expression drops, the same way Chan's did.

"Boys, this is David Baek. He's here from US on business and-"

David bows respectfully, "A pleasure to meet you all! Min and I have been fans of Stray Kids since your debut!"

"Very nice to meet you, as well!" Chan responds with an equal gesture, his smile quickly recovering from its shock, "I suppose we don't really have to introduce ourselves then." He laughs heartily.

"No, I suppose not!" David laughs with him, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"So what movie are we watching?" Hyunjin suddenly changes the subject, heading back into the kitchen with a bag of popcorn.

"We're tied between the first 'Scream' and," Minho sighs, as if disappointed, "'Lady and the Tramp'."

"Oh, that's a thoughie..." I run a hand through my hair in thought, "I'm assuming 'Scream' was your idea?" I point to Changbin.

"You know it," he winks playfully.

I look around the room, "And then..."

"Yeah. Mine," Hyunjin nods.

Aw... Adorable...

Jisung pops into the room, "Well, technically speaking, I gave him the idea."

"You did not!" Hyunjin turns to him defensively.

"Listen guys, I thought we had settled this," Chan steps forward.

"Yeah, I though we had," Jisung nods, seemingly confused, "Remember? I said I wanted to watch it like two days ago, this putting the idea into your head. You admitted I was right ten minutes ago, so why-"

"Well, I've had time to think about it, and I have decided that you're wrong," Hyunjin huffs and turns away from him with his arms crossed dramatically.

"Oh, come on, Jin. You're being ridic-" Jisung's eyes trail over to David who is quietly standing beside me, "-ulous... Who are you?"

"Right! Introductions!" Chan smiles, attempting to cut the tension, "This is David, Min's visiting friend." He pushes us into the room with an awkward laugh.

"Hi," David waves stiffly.

"Ok, so now that everyone is here, why don't we start the movie!" Felix, who hasn't spoken until now says cheerfully.

"Yeah, sounds great." Everyone mutters similar responses in turn and files over around the TV.

David follows me closely, not knowing what to do or where to sit. I look around and Hyunjin suddenly appears at my side.

"God! You scared me!" I exclaim.

He looks down at me shyly, "Sorry." His hand finds mine and gives it an apologetic squeeze. He sits down on one end of the couch and discretely pulls me down with him by my hand. David sits down on my other side nervously.

The starstruck thing must be hitting him too...

"Wait, did we ever decide what we were watching?" asks Minho.

"How about we let David decide. Since he's our guest and all!" Chan pats him on the shoulder.

David clears his throat, "Wow, uh. Ok..." he thinks for a moment, "I like scary movies, so... I guess 'Scream' sounds good..."

"Yes!" Changbin cheers excitedly and hops up and runs to his room.

"Of course," Hyunjin mutters under his breath. I give him a look and he glances away from me.

"While he's getting the movie, why don't we get to know your friend here!" Felix breaks the still-ever-awkward silence.

"Ok, well, what do you want to know?" he shrugs.

"How long have you known each other?" Minho asks.

"Since we were kids, I guess," David glances at me nervously.

"After all that time, you must have a few embarrassing stories about Min, huh?" Seungmin nudges him mischievously.

David smirks, looking down at his hands in his lap, "Well... There was this one time in grade 10-"

"Don't you dare!" I playfully hit him.

"Fine, fine..." he holds up his hand defensively.

"No, you can't just stop there!" Felix eggs him on.

I glare at David and he nods, "Sorry guys, I'd like to see the light of day again." He laughs.

"Ooh, so she does have a dark side," Chan pokes me jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I laugh him off.

"So have you two ever dated?" Hyunjin asks and the whole room goes silent. Everyone is staring at the three of us.

"Found it!" Changbin comes busting out of his room excitedly, then stops when no one responds, "What did I miss?"

"Great, so let's just get that movie started!" I stand up and push Changbin to the entertainment center. Everyone slowly breaks their gaze and quietly talks to one another, avoiding the situation of Hyunjin's question.

Changbin pushes play and sits down next to Minho and Jisung on the floor as everyone else gets comfortable and where they can probably (not) easily reach one of the two popcorn bowls. It doesn't sound like a lot for ten people, but you have to remember that nine of them are on a diet of some kind :'(

The opening starts and, since I've seen the movie before, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

I close the door and lean over the sink.

"What was he thinking?!" I run my hands through my hair and step back, staring at the wall, "Is he jealous or something? I've got to talk to him and straighten this out-"

I whip my head towards the door as the gentle rapid knocking stops. I quickly compose myself and open the door. David pushes me inside and I close the door quietly.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-yell at him.

"I don't know what's up with Hyunjin exactly, but I don't think he likes me. I tried to offer him the popcorn and he glared at me, rolled his eyes, and looked away. I've never seen him like that before, and it kinda scared me a little, so I came looking for you," David rambles.

"Yeah, I think I know what's wrong... It's nothing personal," I cover my face in frustration, "Don't worry about it. I'll talk to him."

"If you say so..."

"Ok, now let me go first, so it's not suspicious."

"Right," David smiles and winks at me, "Like spies again..."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever, dork."

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