Part Twenty-Five

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Felix sighs with a satisfied smile and looks over at Changbin, who tosses him a set of keys.

"Nice one."

"Are those his?" I point to the keys in his hand.

"Yep," Felix nods.

"Got them out of his pocket when he was trying to get his other stuff back," Changbin smiles, proud of himself, "And now he can't get back into his room."

It somehow feels wrong to be impressed...

"I thought you were just trying to give him lyrics? Why are you still-"

Minho cuts me off with a mischievous look, "Because it's fun."


"Gotta go!" he quickly runs out the door, Felix and Minho close after him.

The door closes and the four of us stand in silence for a few seconds before we all, except David, burst into laughter.

"Is that normal?" he points to where the boys left.

"The exact scenario, no; but the behavior? Yes. Very much so," Hana laughs.

"Ok, then..."

After we settle down, the girls go off to do their own things, and I bring David to my room for us to catch up.

"God, it's been so long... Look at you!" he ruffles my hair, "You've gotten so tall!"

"David, I'm only 163," I sigh with a smile.


"Yeah," I stare at his confused face, "Oh wait..." I think for a moment. "Five, four. I think." David may be Korean, but he's only been to the country itself a few times. With his new job, he visits more, but conversions and language barriers are still hard.

"Well, you're still taller than I last saw you!" he thinks for a moment then walks over to my mirror, "Did I shrink?"

I laugh it him, "No, I don't think so."

"Hey, how about I treat you to dinner?"

"Well, it's my city, so shouldn't I treat you to dinner?" I chuckle.

"You pick the place, and then I pay. How about that?"

"Hm..." I playfully pretend to think, "That sounds alright."

"Perfect," he winks at me, "So... How have you been!"

We talk and catch up for an hour or more before I get a call from Chan.


"Hey, Min, so I have a question."

"Uh, sure. What is it?"

"Well, really Hyunjin has a question, but he's too scared to-" I hear movement from his side of the call and Chan clears his throat. "Ahah, I mean...  Do you wanna come over and hang out with us tonight? We're watching a movie. Not sure which one yet, though."

"Well," I bit my lip, "I'd love to, but I have plans."

I hear rustling, but Chan trying to cover the mic fails and I hear him whisper, "She says she has plans."

"What?" another voice says.

"Dammit, don't give me that face!" he groans and 'uncovers' the mic, "Is there a way you could possibly get out of it?"

"Uhm..." I glance at David, who is leaning over to listen in now, "I kinda have a friend visiting."

"Just bring her with you!" he says cheerfully.


"Any friend of yours is a friend of ours!"

"Gimme a minute," I press the mute button and turn to David, "So uh, you wanna watch a movie with some friends of mine tonight?" I laugh nervously.

He actually seems excited, "Sure! Why not? Sounds fun!"

I unmute, "Ok, well... When should we be there?"

"Is six o'clock, ok?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Perfect! See you then," he exclaims and hangs up.

"See you... Then..." I sigh.

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