Part Twelve

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I look around for my keys while Noodle scampers after me.

"What are you doing?" Hana asks, walking into the living area with Young Mi.

"Looking for my keys."

Young Mi sighs, "That's why the we have the-"

"I know, I know," I cut her off, "I just forgot..."

I reach down into the bottom of my rehearsal bag, "Aha! Gotcha!" I look down at the time on my phone.

"Crap. I gotta go!" I hurry towards the door.

"Have fun on your date," Hana laughs.

I roll my eyes and open the door, "It's not a-"

I'm cut off by the sight in front of me. In front of the door is Jeongin and Hyunjin engaged in some sort of quarrel. Jeongin has ahold of Hyunjin's headband and is waving it around in the air as his friend tries and fails to grab it from him.

"Uh, guys?" I mumble and they both freeze and their heads whip towards me. Jeongin swiftly, but sloppily shoves the headband back over the blond's head and says something along the lines of "you two have fun," then takes off, practically running down the hallway with a mischievous smile.

I watch him turn the corner and look back at Hyunjin who is still staring down the hall. The door shuts behind me and I squeal from surprise.

Thanks, Hana...

His eyes snap back and meet mine. I can't help but laugh at his messed up hair. His face goes red and he quickly fixes his headband in his signature fashion.

"It took me so long to get it to look like this..." he sighs and pulls out his phone to check his beautiful appearance.

"I think you look perfect," I smile, then realize what I said.

Ah, fuck...

I am surprised but relieved when he smiles back at me, "You ready to go?"

"Oh, um. Yeah," I look down as we start walking towards the elevator.

I thought I would just meet him there like last time. Why did he come all the way to our room?


"So what are you doing after this?" Hyunjin asks, leaning against the wall next to the window. He takes a drink of water and tilts his head, waiting for my answer.

How does he make everything look so attractive...

"Uh, well, we have the fitting for our-"

Oh shit...

I look at my phone. It's 5:47 and I have 22 messages from the Blxe groupchat.

"Oh, god. I have to go," I grab my keys and my jacket and start towards the exit.

"Wait!" I hear him call from behind me, "I'll go with you!" He runs to catch up to me.

"So a fitting, huh?" he presses the up button on the elevator and I slip in just as it's opening.


I'm coming! I swear!

"Think you could sneak a picture of them?" he playfully nudges me with his elbow, trying to calm my nerves.

"Maybe..." I tap my foot waiting for the elevator to open.

I run out of the door and see Penny standing in the hall at the door, "Come on! You've got just enough time to take a shower."

I run to follow her inside and stop at the door. I turn around to Hyunjin who is somehow still behind me.

"Thanks," I smile at him.

"No problem," he pants, "I'll text you la-"

"Come on!" Penny pulls me inside, "We don't have time for this!"

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