Part Four

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Finally, with the help of eight stray kids, the five of us have finished our unpacking and are exhaustedly sitting in the living area of our dorm.

"So who are you guys going for?" Penny, who only arrived near the end of the chaos, suddenly asks.

"What?" I sit up from my slouched position in the chair.

"Felix, definitely. He's always been my bias. This is like a dream come true!" Hitomi yawns, leaning over onto Hana's shoulder.

Hana is the next to speak, "I'm not so sure we should be viewing this as a golden opportunity, Hitomi. I mean they have feelings, too. They're just as much people as we are."

"Just think," Young Mi sighs, looking dreamily out the window, "Next month, people will be thinking of us like this. I could be someone's bias..."

"That's true! We'll be famous!" Penny giggles, fist-bumping the air.

"Yeah..." I smile at her, "Famous..."

If everything goes according to plan, just next month, we'll be idols; known across the world. People will ask each other who their bias is between us five, and be memorizing our songs and dances, just like we used to...

"And don't forget V-Lives..." Hitomi mutters, quickly falling asleep on Hana, "Those always look so fun..."

"I'm gonna go to bed," I stand up and stretch, "Remember, we have rehearsal tomorrow."

"You're right," Hana nods and nudges Hitomi awake, "Come on, let's get to bed."

"I don't wanna," Hitomi frowns and flops her head down on Hana's lap.

"Don't make me carry you."

"You can't carry me," she sighs, confident that she's right. Suddenly, with barely a struggle at all, Hana picks her up bridal style. At this, the girl and she screams, falling to the ground.

"Ow!" Hitomi complains. Hana just laughs and reaches out her hand to help her up. We all peel off a go to our rooms.

"Good night, guys," I sleepily call and slink off to my room. I close my room door behind me and plop down into my bed, only to have the corner of the the fitted sheet pop up into my face. I groan and get up to fix it.

Of course, it's the one I did... He's just perfect at everything isn't he?

Suddenly, I hear a loud buzzing and squeal, falling to the floor with a thud.


After shaking away my surprise I look around for the noise. It doesn't take long to locate, and I find a phone that isn't mine sitting on my desk.

I guess one of the boys left it in here...

I pick it up and the buzzing stops.

Oh, well. I'll return it tomorrow...

I bring it over to set it on my nightstand and the lock screen flashes on. I'm nosy, so I look at it. Hey, I just wanna know who's phone it is!

Unfortunately, it's a picture of a cityscape at night.

Well, that's real helpful...

"Ah!" I screech as the phone starts buzzing again and I catch it mid-air before it hits the ground. The caller ID says "Pabbit kid", so I assume it's Changbin.

I tap accept, "Hello?"

The voice sounds like he's holding the phone away from him, "Oh, dude someone answered! Maybe you did leave it in-"

Another voice sighs, "Oh my god, Bin, give me that."

There is some rustling and the voice I remember as Han answers, "Hey, who is this?"

"Uhm, it's Min. I guess this is-"

Han's voice gets quieter, like he's whispering, "It's Min!"

"Yeah. This is Han, right?"

"How did you know?" he asks, seeming to be genuinely asking.

"I recognized your voice," I chuckle, "So I guess this is your phone?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'll come get it."

"No, no, it's ok. I'll bring it to you, just give me a minute," I say and slide over in front of my mirror to check that I don't look COMPLETELY horrible.

"Really? You're the best!" he sighs, "We're in 12-A."

"Ok, I'll be there in just a second."

I slip on my shoes and grab my keys off the little rack that Young Mi put up with all of our names on it by the door.

Ours is 12-D, so that means that 12-A is... Left? Maybe? Ugh, I'm too tired for this...

I turn left and see 12-C, so I must be going in the right direction. I finally reach the correct room and hesitantly knock on the door. Chan is the one to open it.

"Oh, hey, Min. Is everything-"

"Oh, thank God!" Han pushes past him and takes his phone out of my hands, "My baby!" he hugs it to his chest like it's the only thing keeping him alive.

"Thank you so much!" he then looks up to hug me instead. I hear laughing behind him and peer over his shoulder to see Changbin and Hyunjin watching Han from a table next to the kitchen.

"Well, now that's sorted..." Chan chuckles and pats him on the shoulder as he slowly backs into the room, "Hey, since you're here, come have some curry and rice with us! We made way too much. Felix already came and got some for the others."

"Well, ok," I look down nervously, "Since you're offering."

I will never say no to free food...

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