Part Ten

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The four boys are leaving, and I am starving and exhausted, so I leave with them. I ended up actually jogging for a while, even though I still felt slightly foolish for not knowing anything. I never did figure out what the strange contraption of Minho's was for.

Hyunjin was so sweet about it the whole time I was there. He completely abandoned whatever he was planning on doing that day and stayed with me instead.

"Hey, I'll race you guys up to 12!" Chan excitedly opens the door to the stairs.

"Oh, you're on!" Changbin instantly sprints past him.

"Hey! No fair! You two got a head start!" Minho chases after him and Chan.

I stare at them in disbelief, "How on earth do they still have energy?"

"They never get tired," Hyunjin laughs, presses the up button on the elevator, "Even I have trouble keeping up with them sometimes." He sighs dreamily with his hands in his pockets.

He's so precious...

"You know you can speak Korean to me," I lean against the wall.

He nods, "I know. But I want it to be easier for you."

"That's sweet," I smile and look down, "But really, it's ok."

"If you say so," the blond shrugs, continuing to speak English. The elevator door opens and he motions me inside before him.

"I'm going straight to sleep when I get up there," I sigh with exhaustion.

"I've got the rehearsal room with Felix at 4, and we're getting something to eat before then, so I can't sleep just yet," Hyunjin runs a hand through his perfect hair and it falls perfectly just as his perfect self intended.

"You're just busy all day aren't you?"

"Pretty much," he nods.

Just then, my stomach growls. Loudly. I cover my face with my hand, "Maybe I should eat something first..."

"Probably," he chuckles and the tiny metal box gets awkwardly quiet again.

"Let me give you my number," Hyunjin looks up at me, breaking the silence, "If you wanted to go down there again with me."

Oh, shit... I already have it, uhm. How do I make this not suspicious? I guess I could just tell the truth... Not the whole truth, obviously...

"Actually, Felix gave it to me a while ago, I just never messaged you," I nervously scratch the back of my neck.

"Oh?" he says, seemingly to himself more than me, "Well, you should have." He laughs.

His smile is so contagious...

"Well, then I will," I smile back, then realize I'm staring at him and quickly look away.

The elevator door opens, and as soon as we step out, Chan comes rushing out of the door leading to the stairs, scaring the hell out of both me and Hyunjin.

"Why are you still running?" I call after him as he sprints for the dorm door.

"I got his phone!" he quickly unlocks the door and slips inside, slamming it behind him.

"You go who's pho-"

I don't even get the question out before Changbin pushes through the door.

"Chan get back here!" he runs to his dorm and searches his pockets, "How did he even-"

"Bin!" Hyunjin calls and quickly tosses him his keys. Changbin skillfully catches them with one hand and gets inside 12-A.

I hear the door slowly open behind us and turn to see Minho panting as he trudges through door.

"You alright?" I ask, taking a step towards him with concern.

"Uh-huh," Minho breaths and pulls his hair out of his face, "I'm just gonna go... Lay down for a bit..." He slowly makes his way past us into 12-B and I have to hold back a laugh.

"Thanks... For helping me out earlier. You made it a lot easier," I smile.

"Of course. Anything I can do to help you," he shuffles in place, hands still in his pockets.

He looks nervous...

I pull my keys out of my pocket and turn to leave, "I'll text you later, ok?"

He hesitates, like he has something else to say, then just smiles at me, "Ok."

That night...


It's Min.

I stare at the "delivered" under my message and almost jump when it changes to "read" and instantly shows him typing. I started in Korean, hoping he would respond with it. I don't want him to feel like he has to speak English if he doesn't want to.

How are you?

Ok, he's not speaking English this time...

I'm exhausted, but good. What about you?
Also tired. But Felix and I have been working on a duo dance, and I think we made good progress today.
That's good! What's the song?
Can't say. It's a secret🤫
Aw. But you know so much about our song!
Sorry haha
Well, I tried lol

I should probably go work out tomorrow too... Should I ask him to come with me?

I type out the message: Want to come with me to the gym again? It was really fun with you today.

I hover over the send button then decide to replace "really" with "kind of". I don't wanna seem too eager.

Of course! What time?
Um... Is the same time as today ok?
Sounds good!

I smile at the message for a moment, then another one pops up and instantly feel myself blushing.

"Ok, well that's enough for me!" I quickly put my phone down on my nightstand and lay down, patting beside me for Noodle to come lay down with me. Look, I'm flustered easily. Sue me.

It's a date! :)


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