Urvi was overwhelmed with emotions for she knew how she was controlling herself. Understanding her Baghavi gave her a smile deciding to not think about anything and first concentrate on making sure the marriage of her sister-in-law ends peaceful. The family of Dhrist was enjoying every moment but in one corner some people were looking at them longingly while others hated seeing happiness on the faces of Gandhari family and their success.

The ladies cleaned themselves for night was Sangeet ceremony. The family has decided to suprise their sister on being the ones to perform tonight. The function was opened by Karna who sang his melodious voice ringing all over around. The moment he finished Dushala jumped on him hugging him who in return received teasing from him forgetting their surrounding they started teasing each other while brothers watched them in wonder until Gandhari intervene pulling their ears.

The night was a great night and people who heard of Duryodhan arrogance were shocked seeing him dance along with his brothers and cousins just to make their sister happy. Followed were her sister-in-laws accompanied with her friends including Yudhipatni whom Kunti was throwing dangers at. The couples performed and people saw Duryodhan who was dancing with care due to his pregnant wife. The love from her sibling brought tears in her eyes but seeing her parents performance and their chemistry it warmed her heart especially seeing her blushing mother.

Gandhari and kripi reached on the stage and performed together at the end everyone was applauding them and Dushala run towards them congratulating them. The day ended with Dushala who performed with her sister-in-laws with Aswa and his brother-in-laws. Being tired everyone retired to their chambers to take rest so that they will be able to attend next day function.

Next day even though it started with the happiness of Dau and kanha arrival it brought sadness to the male who were prohibited in attending today's function which was haldi. They tried bargaining but Gandhari stood her ground making her sons sulk all along though to the enjoyment of their wives. Though after discussing with kanha they decided after attending Aswa's they'l get crash Dushala's.

The ladies were suspicious of them though they decided to remain silent but keep a close watch on them. Dushala who was covered from head to toe was preventing her sister-in-laws from pouring the remaining haldi until a group of 5 women arrived covering their head. They looked at them wondering who they were until they introduce themselves as siblings who are guest there but wanted to bless the princess before taking their leave.

When asked to uncover their faces they refused giving reasons making the lady suspicious. The ladies stared at them intently making them shift uncomfortable until they saw a shoe emerging from under saree that's when they realize they were not female rather male. They looked at each other and decided to play along , they called for Gandhari who arrived and they introduce the guest to her who invited them though looking at them suspicious.

They started applying haldi and looking at their hands the ladies realized who they were and decided to reveal their faces. Unknown to the plans of the females they were happy they accomplished their mission without being caught and started moving outside until one of them pallu fall down because of being held at the end.

Duryodhan face was a site to watch the moment his face was uncovered. Seeing his wife innocent smile ,he understood she is the one who pulled it . He met his mother glare while the four who decided to run from there met their wives and sisters who stood Infront of them. They were lost berating Duryodhan inwardly while the ladies took that chance and uncovered their faces. They met Kanha, Karna, Nakul and Arjun who smiled innocently at them.

They closed their eyes tightly when they saw Gandhari who came and stood Infront of them with a glare. Even though she enjoyed seeing their action she conceal it very hard and pulled their ears who started begging her while others chuckle seeing them. The day ended with them being explained the importance of haldi;

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