Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Shu Jingyi was actually sitting at a table near them, but was not able to hear their conversation. He could only watch as they chatted animatedly, and was unreconciled with it.

Gu Xiaoshan gave Shu Jingyi a side-eye look, then quietly told Renzi, "Say, why don't we leave him here and head back home first without letting him know?"

"Is that ok?" If it was like usual, Renzi would definitely not agree to such a "joke". After all, to leave without any notice was very impolite. However, Renzi now saw Shu Jingyi as a major rival. As "all is fair in love and war", then, there was no need to talk about being polite.

Gu Xiaoshan saw that Renzi was a little tempted, so he goaded him on. "Does it matter? It's also not something that we must let him know."

Having a private agreement with Gu Xiaoshan and concealing it from Shu Jingyi, although it was rude, but it gave Renzi a sense of security and superiority in his love life.

Renzi only thought about leaving without any notice, but Gu Xiaoshan had put more thoughts into it. The main thing being that he was still quite bothered about that night when Renzi secretly met Shu Jingyi in the night at his manor. Firstly, he was not happy that Renzi did not listen to his warning and went out, even hiding it from him. Secondly, he was bothered by how Shu Jingyi managed to get in contact with Renzi.

Shu Jingyi had already been blacklisted on Renzi's social media, and Renzi's SIM card had also been replaced. How did Shu Jingyi get in contact with Renzi?

Gu Xiaoshan was even a little suspicious of that manager who helped him purchase the SIM card. If that manager had really given Shu Jingyi the information, then that would be troublesome. Should he mention it, or should he not? When he was not around, the hotel would be managed by this manager, what would happen then?

Luckily, after some scrutinisation, Gu Xiaoshan believed that this should have nothing to do with the manager. There should be a network sniffer in Shu Jingyi's manor that could retrieve phone numbers. A person with such shady background like Shu Jingyi would definitely be able to easily get such a device that cost about six or seven US dollars, as it was not some ultra powerful hacking device.

However, it was not possible that Shu Jingyi had made a last minute purchase of this device. His manor must have long had it already, and this made Gu Xiaoshan quite uncomfortable.

Although the Shu family had claimed they had left such shady dealings behind, and that their business back home were all legal, but it was said that in C Country, they still had some fingers in their past businesses there. Gu Xiaoshan felt a little apprehensive about it, and that it would be better if they drew a line with Shu Jingyi, whether it was with him, or Renzi.

Gu Xiaoshan and Renzi planned their trip, and only sent Shu Jingyi a message when they were at the airport. They said that due to sudden matters, they were unable to bid him goodbye properly. They had to go now, bye. They were on the plane now, they had to shut their phones off, bye.

The two of them soon returned to their city. Renzi was exhausted, and fell deeply asleep in the car as Gu Xiaoshan drove him back to the Yu home. Seeing Old Mister Yu, Gu Xiaoshan had to be polite, and made some smalltalk. Old Mister Yu looked like his usual self, and his tone was just like normal. As such, Gu Xiaoshan thought, it seems like Uncle Yu only knows that Renzi is gay now, but he doesn't know that Renzi's chasing after me.

As for Old Mister Yu, he was thinking, seems like there's still nothing between them. This Renzi, after chasing a person halfway around the world, he still didn't manage to achieve anything, how embarrassing!

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