Chapter 5

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The houses of the Yu family and the Gu family were very close to each other, both located in the same villa district area halfway up the mountain. However, after reaching maturity, Gu Xiaoshan mostly stayed in his apartment in the city, and Renzi's key was for this apartment. The source of this thing was also very silly. Renzi and his dad had a fight, and he wanted to run away from home, so he went to a hotel belonging to the Gus. However, he discovered that his cards had all been frozen by old Mister Yu. He did not expect his dad to be so heartless, and called Gu Xiaoshan for help. Gu Xiaoshan then put him up in his own apartment. After Renzi and his dad made up, he still held on to the key, and would occasionally go over to the apartment to stay.

When Yu Yuntao first knew about this, he was also shocked. "You always show up without any warning, aren't you afraid of seeing something?"

"What's there to see? It's not as if it's a haunted house!"

Yu Yuntao realised that speaking to his little brother, he could not be so euphemistic. " Gu Xiaoshan has so many boyfriends, aren't you afraid of any embarrassment if you happen across them?"

Renzi tilted his head and thought about it, "But Brother Xiaoshan never brings anyone home."

Gu Xiaoshan never brought anyone home, and neither did he like going to other people's place. His usual choice was a hotel under the Gu's flag.

Renzi wanted to remain at the hotel for a few more days. However, when he checked his bank balance on his phone, he discovered that he did not have enough money - ah, right! He still had to pay for the exorbitant bill after the chaos of "steeping in wine", and his allowance had also been deducted because of this incident. Together with his car, and some loan payments, he did not have anything left for this month - and he might even needed to borrow some money from Gu Xiaoshan.

Renzi felt that he really had some difficulties facing Gu Xiaoshan at the moment - logically speaking, nothing had happened between them. However, his heart was feeling complicated, as though he could not step out of his identity of being "Gu Xiaoshan's lover".

Gu Xiaoshan's apartment was very neat. It was located on a high storey, facing a good direction, and had enough sunlight shining in. The walls of the bedroom were a lavender purple - just like the walls of the villa that he stayed with Gu Xiaoshan in during 2028. Renzi lay on the bed, again thinking about those extremely vivid scenes.

Out of frustration, he covered his eyes with his hand, determined to get rid of these stray thoughts, but to no avail. The more he was unwilling to think of them, the more these memories clung onto him. Gu Xiaoshan's tenderness haunted him like a ghost, appearing when he did not pay attention, frightening him out of his senses. However, it did not want his life, only winding around him, refusing to dissipate.

Renzi's current mental state was somewhat fragile, any disturbance and he would be very startled. His phone rang again, and he got another shock. Looking at it, it was an unknown number. His first reaction was that it was a work-related call. But thinking about it, he was only the assistant CEO, no one would be after him for disappearing from work for only two days. After all, when he was the CEO, he was also frequently absent from work. The company, whether he was there or not, would run on as usual. If he was not around, it might even run faster.

Could it be another junk call?

Bewildered, Renzi answered the call, and a somewhat familiar voice sounded. "Hello, is this Second Young Master Yu?"

Renzi vaguely acknowledged it, and asked, "Sorry, you are?"

The other person was not embarrassed about it. "I'm He Jun."

Renzi still could not put a face to this name. He Jun then explained, "We've met once, at Jichan Estate. It was in April. I prepared tea for you, and you complimented it. I'm still pleased about that compliment."

A President's Out-of-Body Experience - [Author: Mu San Guan]Where stories live. Discover now