• 45 ~ They'll Leave Us Behind •

Start from the beginning

"I see. Looks like your time with Aless hadn't been fulfilling." The Tsaritsa tapped her finger on her throne's hand-rest. "But then the question arises. How viable is Y/n with their flaws kept?"

"You're asking about viability." Scaramouche put a hand to his chin. "Y/n did do quite the extraordinary things in Inazuma. One of them, probably the most considerable, is the fact that they were able to save the Crimson Witch from her demise." He looked at Signora, eyeing her to help him.

Unlike the reaction she'd usually give at a request like that, Signora looked up with seriousness. "Your Majesty, if I may speak?"

The Tsaritsa smiled. "Go on."

"I had an unfortunate encounter with the Shogun, which almost cost me my life. While I don't mind sacrificing myself for Your Majesty's cause, it is only a pleasure to be standing before you again." Her gaze grew confident. "And I must place credit where it belongs. It is because of Y/n that this was possible."

"I have heard you." The Tsaritsa raised a hand at Signora. "Your satellite does seem to also not have survived this ordeal. What was his name?"

Signora nodded, a hint of longing in her eyes. "Gius."

The Tsaritsa nodded, then turned to Y/n.


Chills ran down their spine again, and they looked up, trying to keep their expression and gaze still. The panic settled in their heart, but they tried to ignore it the best they could. "Y-Yes, Your Majesty."

Okay. There's no need to be afraid. Just... act the way Aless used to.

But there seemed to be no need for acting, because the next moment, Y/n felt a pull on their soul. The mortifying feeling crossed them again, along with an urge to scream.

"How much endurance does this satellite really have?" The Tsaritsa questioned, making a movement to just barely keep their soul from separating with their vessel.

On seeing the sight of Y/n suffer, Scaramouche's hands shook. He wanted to object, but it could just make things worse. Y/n was at the mercy of the Tsaritsa alone.

"Hm." The Tsaritsa stopped after a moment, releasing Y/n from her powers. "This has been unexpected, but your service is accepted."

The winds grew colder as she did. "Do not try to resist again. Your fate is bound to the Fatui. You cannot escape it."

Y/n nodded, trying to imitate Aless. "Understood."

"Then, from this day forth, you will serve your harbinger. Until you expire."

Y/n felt relieved. "Understood."

• • • ᯽᯽᯽ • • •

Y/n and Scaramouche had gone back to their state of bowing while Signora received a new satellite to her name. After the Tsaritsa had received everyone (or the more important ones), they were all dismissed.

La Signora went her seperate way since she had to prepare for a new mission. She was released from the collection of the gnoses until further notice. Maybe it was because of the life-endangering situation she had encountered, hence making her less reliable for such an important operation.

"Oh. My. Goodness!" Y/n spoke after they left that large hall and into the much warmer corridor, their hands placed on their cheeks as they came closer to Scaramouche. Being out of range of the Tsaritsa's gaze washed them with relief. "That was intense!"

𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕄𝕖 [Scaramouche x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now