Chapter 19

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Three days. Heimdall thought to himself, that was how long Eir's group stayed in Midgard. The Oracle wasn't answering any of his telepathic messages, and this wasn't really a good sign. He had alerted the headmaster of Valhalla Institute, who was worried about the safety of his students.

They were supposed to return to Asgard two days ago, even if they had any reason to stay that long in Midgard, the Oracle would at least inform him. He decided to send her a message again… A whole minute had passed by and still no answer. He was about to cut the link, when the sound of the Oracle responding to his message halted him.

"Lord Heimdall?" The unmistakable voice of the young Oracle Aada echoed through his head. "Sorry for not responding to your messages for the past few days. We have some important people to deal with, and don't worry, everyone in the village is safe, even the Valkyries."

As much as it calmed his worries that nothing wrong had happened to any of them, he was made aware of the very robotic-like tone of her voice. "Who are these important people, Aada?"

" Some Christian Missionaries have arrived at our village and are staying for a few days, that's why I can't reply to your messages as I have to do all the talking with them. " Christians, the very reason why the Nordic factions are left with so few believers since they began their so-called mission of spreading the Word of God.

He had no real dislike for the peaceful ideals
they preached throughout the centuries, but
they should know not to poke their noses into
others' business. Who gave them the right to
enter Nordic lands, steal their believers, flaunt
how one should treat others, and love one's
enemies? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit!

"How long are these missionaries staying in the village?" he asked the Oracle, to which she answered, "Another four days."

The animosity between the Nordic faction and the Biblical factions has not really decreased throughout the centuries, but neither side wants to start another conflict with each other. "Where are Miss Eir and the young Valkyries right now?"

"With the presence of the missionaries in our village, they have decided to keep a distance from us to avoid drawing attention. She said that she didn't want the missionaries to know about their presence."

There was an important rule among the factions in the supernatural world: never reveal the existence of the supernatural world to ordinary humans. This was followed by all the factions, and failure to comply would result in drastic punishment. This was a very strict rule because ordinary humans had no business in the supernatural world.

" I can assume that they are still dealing with the Undead problem. "

"Yes, Lord Heimdall.

"Ok, I will send you a message after three days, I believe those young Valkyries are very eager to return to Asgard."


With that, he cut the telepathic link with Aada. He would inform the headmaster about this development.

The conversation between him and the Oracle left a very doubtful feeling in him; as if something were wrong, but he did not know what it was.


For the past three days, Rosseweisse had spent her time recovering from her injuries. Her mobility was limited, but Nikolai and his children kept her safe and well-fed, allowing her body to heal faster.

These people had done so much for her, and that too without expecting anything in return. She really wanted to repay them for everything they had done, and she knew exactly how to thank them.

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