Chapter 3

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Author's note: I just want to say thank you for reading this story of mine. I would really appreciate it if you could leave a comment or review.

And I would like to point out that in the previous chapter when Nikolai devoured the zombie, I wrote that the digesting time was 1 day. It will now be 1 week instead.

That is all, and thank you for reading.

[ Back to the Story ]

Is there anything better than potatoes? Yes, there probably are, but when you're in the middle of a forest with no food, except potatoes and salt. You make use of what you have.

Nikolai sprinkled some salt on the steaming potatoes and took a bite.

" Blin that's good. " This morning, he made a good discovery. Apparently, those fifty corpses he cremate the previous day were planning to stay in this cabin for a long time. That would explain the box full of can food he found.

They were to last at least for another two years, which was a good thing because he was going to save them for later... very very later, like months later.

Next was that, there was a calendar hung in the bedroom and it showed that it was the 23rd of March 2017.

With all that said and done, his breakfast was done. Today, he was going to explore this forest a bit. Trekking through the quiet forest was calming, the birds are cheerfully chirping on the trees, the clear blue sky and the clean air. He even took in the fresh air and it was a pleasant feeling... It was all good, but his focus was immediately on his choice of clothing or should he say the only clothing he had.

" I really need to get some pants and some underwear. " The black robes he wore, offered only exterior cover but the interior especially his nether regions were left uncovered.

He eventually came across a stream, it had clear water probably drinkable and most importantly.

" Food. "

There were plenty of fish swimming around, looking so delicious and full of meat. So like every normal person, he took out the bow he borrowed from the zombie, nocking an arrow he took aim.

His target was the biggest fish he spotted, it would be his dinner. With his sight set, he released the arrow.


The arrow flew straight towards the fish he had set his sights on. It tried to swim away but Nikolai was not going to let that happen.


He jumped in and quickly grab hold of the arrow and lifted the fish above the water. He went back to dry land and put the fish out of its misery by stabbing it with the black knife that he had summoned.

The fish was bigger than his hand and definitely had enough meat for dinner. He then looked at the arrow that had impaled the fish and a thought came to him.

' Since when did I learn to shoot an arrow so accurately? ' Since he had his memories wiped clean, he had no idea who he was except for his name, age and his nationality. So him being this good with weapons that also included fighting which he did the previous night was a mystery.

Did those cult people trained him to be a warrior of some kind? Like a cultic warrior for their evil God or something? Just was he?

But those thoughts quickly died down as he heard his stomach rumbling. Well, he had already caught dinner, so it was a good time to go back to the cabin.

{ 2 hours later }

" Looks like I have to sleep naked tonight. " With his only piece of clothing drying by the fireplace, he searched for any kind of clothing that could cover him from the elements.

Rise of Baba Yaga ( a Highschool DXD fanfic )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat