Chapter 18

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Somewhere in an undisclosed location deep within the forest, Aada was bound in chains and placed on a chair inside a pitch-black room with only a candle providing a meagre light source. The young Oracle trembled in terror as she gazed upon the man standing before her. What horrible things would he do to her? What painful tortures would he implement to make her talk?

"All I ask of you is to help me get into Asgard," the man said in a disappointed tone, "Is that too difficult for you to understand?"

Ada was seething with anger at the absurdity of the man's speech. First, he and his undead army attacked the village, killing her father and her friends, kidnapping her, and demanding entrance into Asgard as if he were asking for a free meal. After all that he had done, he had the audacity to speak such nonsense.

" I will never let you enter the dwelling place of the Gods ". She growled at the man. " I am Aada of Fredilig, Oracle of the Norse Gods. I would rather die than let a monster like you enter Asgard. "

" Monster? " The man repeated, " Is that what people call me now. " he chuckled at how the tables have turned. " You know back then, people call me the Scholar, a very prestigious title mind you. Then I got married and was called a husband, later on, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and I was happy to earn the title " Father ". The man spoke as he gazed into the dark abyss of the dark room. He had a nostalgic look on his face, but that soon disappeared, as his cold rage-filled eyes bore deep into her soul.

" Then my daughter was brutally taken away from us. Me and my wife did whatever we could to bring her back, but your FUCKING GODS AND THOSE FUCKING CHRISTIANS! THEY BRANDED ME A MADMAN AND MY WIFE A WITCH! YOUR FUCKING GODS ABANDONED ME! AND THOSE FUCKING CHRISTIANS BURNED MY WIFE TO ASHES! I BEGGED ODIN TO HEAR MY CRIES! " The man tried to calm himself down which succeeded, but Aada's heart was beating so hard that she could even hear it. ' Just who are you? '

" Your- well they were also once my Gods as well. " He chuckled, as he grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him. His face was pale, almost as pale as a corpse, he looked very thin and frail as if he had not eaten anything for days. " Let me tell you this Aada... Just like me, the Gods have abandoned you as well. For you will never leave this place and they will never be able to find you. "

" Keep telling yourself that. " she snarled, " They will come for you and when they do, you will feel Odin's wrath! "

The man smirked as he heard her threat, " Odin's wrath my ass. " He began to cackle like a maniac, which was so creepy that it made Aada's hair stand. " That old bastard will die by my hands, as I squeeze the very soul from his body and make him a part of my undead Army. When that's done, I'm setting my sights on the Christians. It's kinda funny that I'll be the one to start Ragnarok don't you think? But I'll need your assistance for this as you are one of the only people on Midgard that can create a route to Asgard, so I suggest you do as I say or you will die a painful death and there'll be nothing left of your body when I'm done. So Will you do as I say, you understand? "

Aada did not answer, this did not infuriate the man, but it made him chuckle as he let go of her chin. " It's kinda pleasant to have you Aada, you've been a very good listener so far. Since you're a patient person, I'll do the same for you. "

He took the candle and starts moving to the exit of the room, with his back blocking the light source she saw the silhouette of the man who was limping his way to the exit. He quickly turned to her with a grin plastered on his face, " I'll give you two days to consider, I'm feeling generous today. But after that,t I will take drastic measures to get what I want. "

" See you later Aada. " With that, he blew the candle and darkness had devoured the room.


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