Chapter 8

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Two wide-open mouths begged Nikolai for more smoked meat. At this rate, these two gluttonous ravens were going to empty his whole stock of smoked meat.

" You know. " He gave a warm smile, " You two will eventually eat all my smoked meat at this rate. " The amount of meat they devour was not at all much, he was just joking about the whole emptying his whole stock thing.

" Artom, Igor. " The two ravens now named Artom and Igor cawed happily. Though it was impossible to distinguish, as birds cannot smile or show any sign of happiness. But it was that bond between them that told him that.

Now physically, Artyom and Igor look identical, with no noticeable aspect that could differentiate who is who. But he knew who was Artom and who was Igor. It was probably that magic-related bond between him and his familiars who so happened to be these two ravens, that made him feel as if these were his children.

After feeding them, he went to start his daily training. Regular exercise had produced no results and he had to utilise some improvised methods to get stronger, which included using logs as weights.

His workout and combined with his daily routine of going to the forest for food and the fight to the death with the undead had improved his physique greatly. His stamina, his strength, agility and muscles had increased far greater than he was when he woke up in the basement of the cabin.


Night came and it was dinner time. After the hunt of six buck souls that happened last week, he was left with a lot of meat to be smoked. Meat became an important diet these days especially after he got that passive from those orcs, which allowed him to bulk up.

The passive, ORCISH PHYSIQUE was a pain in the ass. It was such a demanding power that precisely pained him to entertain it.

Orcs were one of the most savage beasts to ever exist, existing only to fight, mate and eat. Although most of them were not as barbaric as people believed they were. Most, Orcs are nomads, but some choose to group as a horde.

What made Orcs very famous was their fast maturity which was just behind that of a goblin and the speed they heal themselves, which was as fast as that of a hydra or an ogre, but it was still fast.

Regarding their fast maturity to adulthood, Orcs need only one year to fully mature and be ready to fight and mate. This was thanks to their ORCISH PHYSIQUE.

Now since he has the ORCISH PHYSIQUE passive, he was also undergoing the same thing. Sure growing more muscles and getting more hair on one's body sounded manly and cool, but it had a high price to be paid.

Orcs are carnivorous by nature and during their maturity period, they need a ridiculous amount of meat to support their growing body.

This also implies to Nikolai. It pained his hoarder mentality, that he had to consume all those proteins otherwise his body will start to degrade.

' No gift is free, there is always a price to be paid. '

The time came for the Raven to get fed, but he could find them in their usual pole they loved to hang on.

" Artom! Igor! come have dinner! " He called, there was some caw sound coming from the basement, and the sound of his two ravens came closer but it was also followed by a thud sound as if something was dropped repeatedly.

He went to inspect and found that his two adopted feathered children had caught a big rat each. The basement was Nikolai's storage room, where he stored all his prized smoked meat. These rodents were their main enemy of his, last week he had to throw away ten kilograms of smoked meat they had spoiled.

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