Chapter 8: I'm Gonna Be A Hero!

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After a few hours of their discussion with the former overlord, Toshinori, Mirai, and Sorahiko felt that they were satisfied to where their had conversation headed to-- most notably, how their surveillance of Hisashi would go.

It was decided that Mirai would be the one to monitor the villain full-time. He will be setting up base in the family's manor and would be given his own office next to Hisashi's study so he could still fulfill his job as All Might's sidekick even from the Midoriya household.

Toshinori and Sorahiko would also pay visit at random times as well in between their hero duties, but most of the surveillance responsibility was to be left to Mirai.

And if Mirai ever feels like Hisashi was up to something, he was free to use his Quirk on the former villain, or anyone at all in the manor, granted that they felt comfortable about Mirai doing so.

As for the excuse for Mirai moving into the home that they would be telling the matriarch and their sons, Hisashi had suggested the idea of Mirai getting kicked out of his old apartment and Toshinori being the one to ask him to let Mirai live there. It was reasonable enough to believe, and knowing his wife well, Hisashi knew Inko wouldn't say no to a situation like it.

With all parties agreeing to it, it was decided that Mirai would begin moving in the next day, after Hisashi has informed his family and had the sidekick's room and office set up, which meant the green-haired sidekick would have to rush packing his belongings in only a few hours.

Right now, the three heroes were being escorted by Adohira, the family's light blue-skinned chauffeur to the household's dining room for dinner. The heroes had initially declined the former villain's offer to pay back the trouble of coming over, but he was somehow able to make them agree. Though their main reason for agreeing was their curiosity about what kind of food they would be served, considering how lavish everything else in the Midoriya 'house' has been.

But as the three heroes and the chauffeur continued to walk through the manor's main hallway, they managed to come upon the household's youngest lord with a small bouquet of sparkling orchids in his small hands.

He was talking to two maids who were each carrying a bin of velvet sheets.

"I'm really sorry about earlier, Aoi-neesan, Millie-neesan. I should have thought more about my actions. I'm really sorry for troubling you." The small greenet apologized as he gave a full 90º bow.

"Aah! Young Master Izuku, it's really nothing!" One of the young maids cheerfully told the young child, "Now that it's over, it was actually really fun. Kinda like riding a roller coaster, you know?"

"Mhm. It was fun getting to see the young master demonstrating his Quirk on us, especially since we only ever see you using your Quirk from afar." The other maid added, "So there's no need to apologize, young master. Please don't bow to us."

"S-still!" Izuku insisted with an embarrassed look on his face as he straightened his posture and looked back up at the maids, "A-at least... do you accept my apology and my apology flower?"

"Hm? Apology flower?" The two maids asked in sync.

"Y-yes. I read that orchids symbolize sincerity and are good as apology flowers, so I... made some fabric orchid flowers." Izuku sheepishly answered.

"Oh! Is that what those are?" One maid sounded genuinely surprised, "We've been seeing those flowers with a bunch of people since earlier and we thought they were really pretty. So the young master made them yourself?"

"M-mhm." Izuku hummed his answer.

"Oh, in that case, then we'll accept it with all our hearts!" The first maid, Aoi, happily told her young master.

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