Chapter 2: All Might Fanboy

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Toshinori's blonde brows furrowed and his blue eyes seemed to glow in anger as he looked at his nemesis, the greatest evil in Japan-- the one who murdered his master.

This man right in front of him is responsible for countless lives being lost and ruined. He is responsible for so much suffering in the almost two centuries he has lived-- but now, he has the gall to suddenly sit in front of Toshinori and tell him that he just wants to be with his family?

After all the crimes and atrocities he'd committed, does he honestly believe that he-- he'd just get to have this?! That he deserves to have this?!

Toshinori grimaced and his hands curled tightly into fists as he glared daggers at Hisashi. The latter however, just remained silent and unfazed as he looked straight back at the hero.

It was at that moment that the female server had came back to bring the two men the initial part of their orders.

The female server was initially absolutely hesitant to even come near the table at first after feeling the pressure and tension between the two men even from meters away, but she had to push on and she placed the two cups of water, one with a lid on, onto the men's table, all while trying to hide her hands' trembling.

Toshinori. Hisashi's voice suddenly rung inside the Pro Hero's head, making him grimace and glare daggers even more at the white-haired man.

Get out of my head, All for One! Toshinori hissed in his mind.

Hisashi just blankly looked at the seventh successor of his younger brother's Quirk before letting out a slightly disappointed sigh.

You're scaring the waitress. Hisashi briefly told Toshinori before turning towards the young server and apologizing with a gentle smile and a slight chuckle, "Did we scare you? I'm really sorry. It's been a while since my friend and I saw each other so we're catching up."

"N-n-n-n-n-n-no-o p-p-p-p-p-rob-l-l-l-lem, s-s-s-sir-s. G-g-g-g-g-gla-ahad t-t-to he-l-l-p-!" The waitress tried to talk as she forced herself to wear her customer service smile, then still with trembling hands, she placed the plate full of cookies with a lid on the table.

"Y-y-y-y-y-yo-your-r-r-r c-c-c-cof-f-f-fee-e-e-e w-w-w-w-wi-ll-l-l-l b-be-be-e b-b-br-brought-t-t-t s-s-s-s-s-soon-n-n-!" The waitress added, then she immediately ran away--excused herself from the two men's table.

Hisashi stifled the urge to laugh at her reaction in his concern that this would simply anger the foolish Pro Hero seated across him even more, and he could only just sigh mentally to himself.

He also took a peek at the other patrons of the cafe, and he noticed that their presence was greatly souring the people's experience of the place.

My, my. This won't do. Hisashi could only think to himself, I hope this doesn't end up making too much problems for Inko.

Hisashi then looked back at Toshinori and through his mind reading Quirk, he was able to quickly tell that this conversation really can't be salvaged anymore.

Hisashi thought about ending their conversation short that day and sending Toshinori on his way with the intention of maybe continuing the discussion some other time when the Pro Hero has calmed down, but before he could, he heard a heartmelting statement from the mind of none other than the small child in his arms.

I can smell Mom's food... The small child thought as he slowly awakened.

The child slowly opened his eyes to reveal bright green irises, and as he raised his head, he looked around while rubbing one of his eyes with his rolled up fist.

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