Chapter 5: Little Menaces

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It has been about two weeks since the Midoriya family met All Might in the mall by coincidence, and about a week since Toshinori set a date that he would be visiting the family's home. And now, together with his sidekick, Sir Nighteye, and his mentor, Gran Torino, they were finally meeting the Underworld's Overlord in his own home.


"W-WHAT THE HELL KIND OF HOUSE IS THIS?!" Toshinori couldn't help but react as he stared up at the ginormous manor standing before him.

From how All for One and his youngest son talked about their home, it gave the impression that it would be a simple abode, maybe a five bedroom house if it's All for One talking-- but not a 100-bedroom freaking manor! This is a home fit for nobility!

Toshinori's eyes and brows were practically twitching at the sight of the building, but the two men with him didn't seem too surprised.

"I had included images of this property on the files I handed over for you to read through, All Might. Did you not see any of them?" Mirai Sasaki, All Might's sidekick promptly let Toshinori know as he fixed the position of his glasses.

"Still, to think he actually spent this much of the fortune he's accumulated as a villain for a home for his family, I guess he does love them," Mirai noted, "Well, either that, or this is the only home he feels is fit for him."

"Tsk tsk, Toshinori," Sorahiko began with a scolding tone in his voice, "Did you at least read half of the compiled files Sasaki had given to you?"

"O-of course, sensei! I-I only skipped the section about All for One's home because I didn't think it would be important... but, seeing this in front of us now..." Toshinori's voice trailed off at the end, as his mind churned.

He should've realized something was wrong the moment they arrived at the gates, and the first person that greeted them was the light-blue skinned chauffeur that was with All for One's family when they first met, with a car that was supposed to bring them to the home's entrance. Another flag should have been when they had to drive through a whole acre of trees.

They had underestimated just how big of a fortune All for One really had. With just this as a basis, his family might even be part of the top 5%.

Toshinori immediately shook his unimportant thoughts away and strengthened his resolve and focus. They will be meeting All for One in his own home--a sentence Toshinori never thought he'd say-- and they'd have to be prepared for anything.

They can't afford to be distracted. what he wanted to say, at least.

"AAAAAALLLLL MIIIGHHTTTTTT!!!" The three heroes had heard a little boy's voice long before they even saw the boy himself, and as they looked up to the direction that the voice was coming from, they heard the unmistakeable sound of window latches opening.

When they looked up, they weren't expecting to see a small 9-year old boy suddenly jumping off from a sixth floor window and falling towards them, but not only that, they also weren't expecting to see pure white fabric wrapped around the aforementioned 9-year old boy, as well as a dozen of the house's servants tangled and trapped in the same pure white sheets.

The dozen servants were screaming for their dear lives as one by one, they were pulled along with the fabric and out of the window as well.

Sorahiko and All Might prepared themselves for the rescue of the youngest Midoriya and the servants, but before they could act, the young Midoriya and the servants' fall was suddenly pulled to a stop.

"I-Izuku! Float back up, you stubborn little brother! We won't be able to hold on to everyone any longer!" The three heroes heard a loud and frustrated yell from the sixth floor of the manor, and there, they saw the eldest son of All for One and a number of other servants struggling to hold on tight to the fabric holding his little brother and the rest of the trapped servants.

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