A Broken Reflection

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            The Brigderton's Ball was in full swing with their guests fluttering around the ground without a worry in sight. Benedict and Elizabeth sat in the corner of the room, admiring the dancing figures as they distanced themselves from the crowd.

       "Watch him" Elizabeth hushed as she pointed her husband to her twin brother. Elliot was across the room with a wide smile on his face as he danced with the diamond of the season. Benedict, although surprised at what he was watching was even more shocked by the pair next to them, Anthony and Kate. 

      "Isn't that a bit odd?" He asked as he leaned on the arm of his chair to get closer to her,

        "It is...." Elizabeth pondered, raising her brow she now laid her hands on her stomach and narrowed her eyes. There was chemistry there as Anthony's dark eyes seemed to become latched onto Miss Sharma's and his often tense frame seemed to loosen slightly. Just then Edward had stood between the pair, following their eyelines to the pairs.

       "Father has been talking to Lady Danbury" He hushed which forced Elizabeth's head to whip around. Edward saw the serious glance in his sister's eyes and bent down to whisper in her ear 

      "He knows" Her jaw clenched as she sat up in her seat and quickly flashed her eyes across the ballroom to her father. His face was blank like it was most of the time, but from a distance, she thought she could notice a hint of despair in his eyes "Lady Danbury is trying to convince him to take us home tonight" Edward continued but Benedict had now caught on to the conversation and rose from his chair.

       "What?!" His calm voice was now raised to a normal level as he crossed his arms and noticed the conflicted look on Elizabeth's face.

       "This is nonsense I invited you both for the summer because we enjoy your presence, I will not have my brother's lack of a romantic charm be the ruin of Elliot's" Edward was startled by Benedict's reaction, the way he immediately defended Elliot, it was almost as if he saw him like one of his own brother's.

       "Help me up" Elizabeth huffed,

        "What?" Benedict raised his brows.

       "Help me up and I will go speak with him" Edward shook his head,

       "Lizzie do not exert yourself he won't listen-" 

       "He will if I say it now help me up" She repeated, now outstretching her hands to him. Benedict obliged as he quickly took her hands and pulled her gently from her chair. Elizabeth sighed, now placing a hand on her lower back for support as she found her father's eyes from across the room once again.

       "The Viscount is leaving" Edward commented as Benedict and Elizabeth positioned themselves at the edge of the dancefloor just in time to catch a glance of Anthony quickly rushing out with Daphne on his tail. But the music continued as did most of the chatter of the party. "I'll be back" 

                      Alexander was shocked to see his pregnant daughter pushing through the crowd toward him with a chilled glance. He had only seen her look at him like that once before when she was a child, no more than eight, it was when the rumors of him taking another wife had begun for the first time. He'd of course reassured her that he was to remain faithful to their mother but the young girl didn't speak to him for three weeks. 

      "Care to dance father?" Elizabeth outstretched her hand and drew back a plastic smile.

       "I don't think that is wise in your condition my dear" He softly smiled,

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