Operation Artiste

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Dearest Gentle Readers,

It is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at Leisure, a sentiment that is very clearly shared by Miss Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals this week. That is compared to her closet companion Miss Elizabeth Sheppard who has rejected just 3 this month and is said to be waiting for one gentleman in particular. Though some believe Miss Bridgerton is showing admirable forethought In her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjecture, that she is, like the author. Still waiting on the only suitor of note.

     "She's not here?" Elizabeth raised a brow, looking at Eloise and Penelope who sat in the sunroom of the Bridgerton home. Daphne had forgotten of the girl's planned trip to the tea shop and instead was spending more time with the Duke, luring in suitors left and right.

      "You can join us!" Penelope exclaimed her signature kind smile on her face as Eloise nodded "Thank you" Elizabeth quickly sat down on the loveseat across from the young girls.

      "So what were we discussing?" Elizabeth sighed, sitting forward and grabbing a handful of biscuits,

      "I am starting an investigation into the Identity of Lady Whistledown" Elizabeth smirked at Eloise's proposition as she slumped back into the chair "And what have we concurred on this Lady Whistledown?" She inquired,

      "Nothing as of late but I do sense she is a Lady of the Ton" Elizabeth snorted, biting into a biscuit  "I could've told you that El" Eloise looked slightly flustered. 

     "I also know that she is unmarried, whether or not that is because she has yet to wed or never did is unknown" Penelope nodded, sipping her tea silently as Eloise finished.

      "You have always been a curious one" Elizabeth sat up now, grabbing a cup of tea "That's why I like you so much" She flashed a grin as Eloise smiled. The door behind them opened as Colin popped his head in.

      "Sorry Ladies I must grab my books," Elizabeth noticed how Penelope's gaze immediately fell on Colin, watching his every move as her cheek became pink. She saw the look of love and wondered how she could have been so oblivious for all those years. How one could not see the look of love where it was directed right at them 

     "Aren't you supposed to be with Elliot?" Elizabeth spoke up from her seat,

      "Aren't you supposed to be with Daphne?" He jabbed back with a smirk.

      "It seems our sister has forgotten her plans" Eloise sighed, Colin nodded tucking his notebooks under his arm, 

     "Yet you decide to stay here with the crazies" He motioned to the pair across from her. "Not you Pen" He quickly added as the Featherington girl released a breath. "And as a matter of fact, I was just on my way to see your brother now, both of them" Elizabeth sat straight, raising a brow and turning to Colin with a confused look,

      "Both of them? What can you possibly be doing that both of my brothers would enjoy?" Colin rocked on his heels, a sly look on his face.

      "That's for me to know and you to never find out" He wiggled his brow before rushing out of the room "Colin!" Elizabeth shouted, "I fear Elliot and Colin might kill Edward" Eloise sighed and shrugged her shoulders "I wouldn't put it past them" 

     "Father would never let you go" Edward spoke up from the table within the gentleman's club. Colin had laid out a couple of maps for his planned trip to Greece at the end of the season and Elliot was hooked.

~~Artiste~~(Benedict Bridgerton)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя