An Unpolished Gem

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A Scandal! Well, dear reader,

It should be know that all of Grosvenor Square has been left to ponder a rather scandalous question indeed. Might one former diamond's recent fall from grace turn out to be the most damning scandal of all?

     It was the night of the Salisbury Ball. Elizabeth wore a beautiful floor-length pale green dress with lace accents and golden trim. She stood proudly arm in arm with her twin brother who was enjoying himself without their father around. But she became frustrated when she couldn't find her friends the Bridgertons, and for more than one reason, she was upset she couldn't find Benedict.

     "How do you do this" Elliot tugged on his forest green collar and groaned,

     "Maybe if you would listen to Father and come to more of these events you would actually have fun" Elizabeth pouted, fixing a few of his curls that had fallen out of place back.

     "You forget, once I am settled Father will come after you" Elizabeth whispered as he groaned slightly. "You are to be the next Marquess of Norwich, which means you need a Marchioness and an heir" Elliot scoffed,

     "As if I could pick one of these snotty princesses" He looked to the crowd of girls and their mothers who watched him like hawks.

     "Perhaps you should be the heir, you are older" He suggested.

     "I am a girl" She rolled her eyes,

     "So what? I could step down" He argued

     "Then Edward would be next" Elliot paused, pondering the idea, "Elliot stop that!" Elizabeth scolded. 

    "What? I think he would be perfect for the role" He pointed to the group of gentlemen, within the multiple heads stood their father and youngest brother who seemed hooked on every word. 

    "You are not wrong" Elizabeth sighed and they continued to walk around the ballroom.

    "But I do not wish for anything to happen to you, so please act like a gentleman just for tonight" She gave him her signature doe eyes, the same gaze that hooks every Sheppard man. The twins stood their ground for a few moments, glaring into each other's eyes until Elliot finally gave in.

    "Alright fine"

          "Ladies and Gentlemen, a most extraordinary event is about to take place! Come!" A gentleman announced to the crowd that had filed outside to the beautiful lawn.

     "It is with great privilege I present Vauzhall's newest spectacle of illumination. Feast your eyes above and allow all that is radiant to overwhelm you!"

     "Look brother" Elizabeth whispered, nudging him slightly towards the show, "What is it?" He asked clueless, making her giggle. The bright lights and colors filled her artistic mind with passion and joy, she could only hope to remember the moment and capture it in one of her paintings 

    "Lady Sheppard!" Benedict's familiar voice warmed her heart. He wore a golden vest and velvet navy blue coat to compliment his eyes, something she couldn't help but feel drawn to. "Lord Bridgerton" She smiled widely turning with Elliot.

     "I came by the house today, but Miss Loughty says you weren't taking visitors" He nervously laughed, and her stomach dropped. 

    "My sister wasn't feeling too well this morning and our father thought she should rest for the ball" Elliot chimed in, saving her. "I'm sorry to hear that, how are you feeling now?" 

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