A Beautiful Day

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Dearest Gentle Readers,

A jilted groom. A broken-hearted bride-to-be. A royal wedding in shambles. Sensational? Quite. But true? This author may traffic in chatter and speculation, dear reader, but misinformation? Never. Explanations of why Miss Edwina absconded from the altar may be greater in number than anyone could possibly fathom. But we must not forget, it was Her Majesty the Queen who placed the young miss on that special stage so that she could make her grand exit. Allow this author to hope, for her majesty's sake, as well as both the Sharma's and Bridgertons, that an official explanation emerges swiftly, lest the ton are run away by their tawdry imaging.

      Motherhood had taken to Elizabeth tremendously well. For years she had wondered what this moment would feel like, how it would appear, and yet nothing could ever come close to the joy she was experiencing in her first week as a mother. Although she was still on bed rest Benedict had kept his wife and son company in almost every hour beside the ones where he was at the academy, bathing, or attending to his mother. Their hearts had been filled with immense warmth at the arrival of their son and his presence alone tended to swing the somewhat down mood in the Bridgerton home upside down. 

      "Mother wants us to promenade later this afternoon" Benedict spoke as he swaddled his son in a freshly knit blanket courtesy of his mother. "She thinks it will help our reputation if we make a public appearance" She looked up from her book as he lifted Alexander into his arms 

      "Would you like me to send for my father to join you? Surly his presence along with my brothers would help" She asked as he began to softly bounce around the room. 

      "I would never ask your father for such a favor, this is Anthony's problem, he must clean himself of this mess" Elizabeth agreed, she had known Anthony for years and yet she had never seen him look at a woman the same way he looked at Kate. The only reason she wasn't criticizing the Viscount was for the very same fact that her own brother was going through the exact same torment. And for the first time in a long time she had actually grown concerned about her good brother's well-being 

        "Do you think-" She took a pause as he rested their son into his crib gently "Do you think Anthony is going to be alright?" Benedict stood in silence for a few moments as his brows furrowed and he pondered about her question.

       "I think that's a question only he can answer" She nodded and stretched out her hand to welcome him by her side. He greatly accepted the offer as he let out a long sigh and rested his head on her chest. So much had occurred within the past seven days that they had yet to have a quiet moment to themselves. But as Alexander drifted to sleep and the bickering from downstairs softened the couple welcomed the calm. Benedict closed his eyes and listened to the sound of her heart as she began to trail her fingers through his hair.

      "Do you think if we stay like this Mother will excuse me from the stroll?" She lightly chuckled at his suggestion. "Unfortunately, I do not think she would appreciate your absence"

      "But what if I fall asleep like this?" He swiftly wrapped his arms around her torso and entangled his legs in hers. She let a laugh escape her mouth for a moment before she quieted herself for the baby.

       "Benedict!" She hushed as he lifted his head towards her.

       "She won't bother me if it means bothering you" He smiled at her cheekily and she rolled her eyes.

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