A New Chapter

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Dearest Gentle Reader,

The frenzy of competition. The thrilling delight of hazarding your all. I am referring not to the lore of London's luxurious gaming halls, but to gamble with for higher stakes; matrimony. For once that particular wager is placed, it cannot easily be undone. A fact which, I am sure, is met with both regret and sheer relief.

       For the first time in a long time, Elizabeth sat in silence. Although she was surrounded by the chaos of the Bridgerton home she could still not seem to fully feel comfortable in her skin. Her father had decided to take his sons to Appleton, away from the distractions of the city and away from the wedding. She had agreed to the idea, thinking it was best for her brother to not only be spared from Miss Sharma's presence but also to have some downtime with their father. It seemed that after a long conversation between the family, the children agreed that their father looked tired and that his long days at parliament were to be thinned out and scattered.

      She had noticed Anthony trying on jackets across the room with his mother and sighed, she couldn't help but feel guilty sitting here, for allowing all of this to continue.

      "It is not yet right. See how the cuffs are an inch too short?" Anthony commented as he tugged on the edge of his sleeves.

       "Very Well sir" The royal tailor whom the queen had sent agreed as he took off the jacket and began packing up.

       "There is plenty of time to adjust it to your liking the wedding is not for another month" Violet commented as she crossed her arms.

       "There is still much to do" Anthony argued as he made his way to the small tray of food.

       "Will Miss Edwina live here with us?" Gregory asked as he picked his head up from a book. Elizabeth looked down at her fiddling hands.

       "Indeed" Violett answered "After the wedding, she shall be the lady of the house and responsible for you all" She finished as Anthony handed her a cup of tea.

       "Well may the lord help her" Colin snarkily replied as he shoved a pastry into his mouth. 

      "Which reminds me our carriages must still be polished to a shined, the horse's manes braided, and we should bring out our finest silver. The queen may be hosting everything at the palace but we must still be ready to entertain here" Anthony said as he brought his cup of tea to his lips. Once again the overbearing Viscount was rattling orders. Elizabeth rolled her eyes but stopped as she saw Benedict walk in. He had just returned from his first day at the academy and his presence made the edges of her lips curl. 

      "And what of us brother?" Benedict stretched his arms in the air and grinned "Must we be polished and braided for the big day?" The siblings softly laughed at his remark.

       "We'll all be on display. Perhaps you might ever scrub your hands for the occasion?" Anthony noticed as he swatted his brother's hand away from the treats.

       "I've been occupied at the academy" He answered. 

      "What about Miss Edwina's sister?" Hyacinth asked from beside Elizabeth,

       "What about her?" Anthony's tone shifted a hair as he looked to his youngest sifter "Will she come to live with us too?" Hyacinth continued,

        "Oh I do hope so" Eloise jeered "It will be a boon to have another intelligent woman in this house" 

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