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     Elizabeth was smart, a duel is a life-or-death situation. A situation that would ruin her friends and family's lives. So when she threw her jacket over her nightgown at dawn, tiptoed out of the large home, and stole one of the horses from the stables she knew exactly what she was doing. She rushed up to the Bridgerton house only to find Daphne and Colin already on their way on horseback.

     "What are you doing!?" Colin shouted, 

    "I'm trying to save my bloody brother that's what!" Elizabeth smacked the back of her horse, riding next to Daphne and they led the trio,

     "Daphne about last night-" 

     "It is not your fault, I know how close you are with the Duke. I only wish today does not end with blood on anyone's hands" Daphne spoke from underneath her hood.

     "This is highly unreasonable-"

      "Oh shut it, Colin!" Elizabeth scolded, he immediately backed down as they headed for the fields.

     After a few moments of tackling the treacherous terrain of the words, they came upon a field, in the middle of it were two trees and underneath them, the duel was beginning.

      "There!" Daphne shouted, "Quickly! Elizabeth exclaimed as the two girls whipped their reigns and quickened. Elizabeth's eyes widened as she realized Simon held his pistol to the sky while Anthony aimed his pistol in the direction of the Duke. Adrenaline coursed through her as she gripped the reigns tighter and leaned forward in the saddle.

      "Stop!" Elizabeth shouted running her horse in between the two as they fired. Her horse kicked up, launching the Sheppard girl from her horse.

      "Lizabeth!" Simon shouted,

       "Lizzie!" Daphne exclaimed as she hopped off her horse and rushed towards her.

       "Are you hurt? Tell me!" The duke shook her shoulders slightly,

       "I am perfectly well thanks to you idiots" She scolded, tossing her hood off and standing on her own accord.

       "You shouldn't be here!" Anthony shouted, 

      "I have every right to be here!" Elizabeth pouted, stomping her foot down "I have not slept since last night, the very thought of this moment has eaten me up entirely. If want to protect Daphne's honor that is fine but not like this!" Her eyes now feel onto Benedict, his face was pale as he was recovering from the chaotic events

      "The hell do you think you're playing at?" Anthony tried to scold her,

       "Says the man who just shot at me!" Anthony was shocked "You-you just rode into the middle of a duel!" Daphne now stepped forward, placing a hand on Anthony's shoulder.

      "I require a moment with the Duke" Her voice was cool and calculated,

       "Daphne-" Anthony tried to reach her but Benedict held him back.

       "I require a moment! My best friend just risked her life for me the least you can do is allow me to mend this mess!" Her voice was raised like their mothers, a tone which caused Anthony to immediately back down.

       "Make it brief" Benedict sighed as the pair walked a few yards away.

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