A Future

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Darling Daphne,

I am truly sorry about your predicament and only wish you the best. Perhaps the Duke has good reasons for his secrets? Perhaps it is simply a small lovers quarrel that will be over by the end of the week. If not, you may come back whenever you would like, no one would suspect a thing. You are welcome to help me with the wedding preparations and take time away from Clyvdeon. And if you visit, I will make sure to put a long stroll with you in my ever-growing itinerary

Your Friend,


      She never knew when she started to bite her lip, it was a habit, one her governess always scolded her for but she never managed to break it. Sometimes she'd go days without doing it, others she would break skin, and today, today was the day she broke skin.

       "What does she mean?" Elizabeth groaned under her breath. 

      What the hell had Simon done? What was he keeping from her? Her memories flashed to the day in the garden he'd shared with her and her brothers. How stoic and determined he was to 'Never Marry' and yet he broke that promise, reluctantly yes, but he still felt love towards her; Didn't he? 

      She sighed finishing up the letter and folding it into an envelope and beginning to melt the wax. She wrung her fingers nervously, waiting impatiently for the dark green wax to melt into a liquid form for her to press. She loved Benedict, loved him with her whole heart but she also thought Simon and Daphne loved each other. And it's the thought of a small rift that could rip them apart that filled her with fear, she knew gentlemen had their secrets but she trusted him, honestly she had no reason not to. There was a small knock at her door, catching her attention as Edward peaked his head in.

       "They're here" He smirked, their father had invited the entire Bridgerton Family to their residence for dinner.

        "In a moment" Her green eyes concentrated as she grabbed the melted liquid. She had poured the perfect amount of wax leaving only a small ring around the metal seal as she pressed down.

       "You never do the wax, though you always hated it" He devilishly girned as he approached her, stuffing his hands in his black vest.

       "Well I want to send this immediately" She bit back now pulling the stamp back to reveal their perfectly imprinted family sigil.

       "What's got you in a tizzy" He leaned forward raising a brow as she wrote down an address "Secret Lover perhaps" He joked, only to be met with a gaze.

       "Why would you even suggest such a thing!" Her voice raised and his brown eyes widened "I'm only trying to write one bloody letter to Daphne in peace" Edward let out a long sigh, he had noticed how stressed Elizabeth had become with the overwhelming pressure of her incoming wedding.

       "Lizzie" He stepped forward taking her hand as she fanned the envelope to dry the seal. "Take a deep breath" He squeezed her hand, noticing the way her shoulders dropped and her brows relaxed. She stopped, following his instructions and taking a long deep breath feeling the air stretch her lungs. And when the air was expelled she could feel some of her worries and stress disappear. Her family was right, she did worry about others too much.

       "Thank you"  Her face lifted as he pulled her from her table, now entrapping her arm in his as he pulled her from her room.

       "Come we must dine with your future in-laws" His words made her stomach fill with excitement again and her eyes light up,

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