player x blue part 4

372 2 65

Requested by Peckikinda

And asked in the Q&A by allysonr12 for blue to do something the next time he saw player.

Rape and gunshots

Player's pov: (it's been to long since I've seen blue, I need him so bad. I'm addicted to that monster, but last time I was there the red one ran me off. I'll be more careful this time, I won't take so long this time. )
Player'sis pov: where are you going?
Player's pov: I'm going to be gone for awhile, don't worry I'll be back.
Player'sis pov: last time you said that you came home all beat up, we had to take you to the hospital you almost died!
Player's pov: I'm going to be fine. (She's starting to annoy me, all she does is remind me of what happened.)
Player'sis pov: just stay I don't want to lose you to, you the best person I know. I can't lose you, we have already lost are patients!
Player's pov: (I punched her, she fell to the floor.) WHY CAN'T YOU EVER JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I am not a good person, I'm doing bad things ok.
Player'sis pov: w-what do you mean?
Player's pov: just leave me alone. (I stormed out the door and headed back to the rainbow friends, I opened the vent with a branch like last time. I crawled through the vent and when I made it in the place I wasted no time trying to find blue, when i found blue i immediately pinned him to the ground.) It's been so long blue~ did you miss me I know I missed you~
Blue's pov: w-what but how!?!?! (Why is he back, why won't he just leave me alone. I have an idea. I kicked him in his stomach as hard as I could, he fell off of me and grabbed where I kicked him.)
Player's pov:GAH fuck that hurt. (I looked up at blue, he flipped me off then ran away from me. I got up and chased after him, when I was close enough I lunged at him knocking him over. I flipped him around so I could see his face, he was starting to freak out.) Looks like someone got the courage to stand up against me, heh it's not going to make me stop though~ (I took my pants and boxers off quickly and lined my self up with blue, i trusted in to him harder than usual.)
Blue's pov: gah~ please~ just~ stop~ ahh~ why~ do~ you~ hng~ do~ this~ haa~ to~ me~!?!?!
Player's pov: I'm addicted to you, I just can't get enough~ I need you blue but you don't feel the same way about me, so you won't corroborate with me so in turn I have to force it upon you~
Blue's pov: mng~ please~ stop~ ahh~
Player's pov: (I started to trust faster and rufer into him, i began to bite his neck.)
Blue's pov: AhH~ PlEAse~ i-i'll~ MNG~ dO~ AnYtHIng~ hAa~ JuSt~ PLeaSe~ stOp~ nGH~
Player's pov: heh there's my blue monster, I missed you so much~ (I started to trust faster into him, I moved one of my hands down his body to his dick. When I was close enough to it I started to jerk him off, I started to kiss him I forced my tongue in to his mouth and explored every inch of it.)
Blue's pov: (when will he stop, what did I do to deserve this. Please God help, I'm never going to escape him am I.)
Player's pov: (I separated from the kiss, I moved my other hand that's not occupied to his arm's and pined them about his head. He started to try and squirm away from me, it didn't help him at all.) Aww~ blue darling don't try and fight it~ it won't make me stop~ haa~
Player's pov: your such mng~ a pathetic thang~ how about you just accept haa~ your fate~ blue I love ahh~ you~
Blue's pov: (I want it to stop but I'm powerless to do everything about it, please can someone help me.)
Player's pov: (I love the helpless look in his eye, I started to bite him again.)
Blue's pov: GAH~ WHY~ M-ME~ NGH~ AHH~ HAA~ F-FUCK~
player's pov: (blue soon cumed in to my hand as I cumed in to him, I got up and put my pants back on. I started to run back to the vents I made it back out, and was ready to go back home. I walked a little away in to the tree's, when I heard a gun shot and felt pain in my arm. I started to run I heard a few more but those ones didn't hit me, I finally made it to the road a process to walk home.)
Red's pov: (I saw on the camera what was happened and decided to try and finish him off, I shot in to the woods when he walked in to them i heard him running. I was worried about blue though so I headed back to him, when I got there I had the rest of the rainbow friends help me with blue.) Hay blue would you like to hang out with purple green and orange for now.
Blue's pov: sure, I would like that.
Red's pov: (I was going to find a way to kill that guy, no matter what gets in my way.)
Player's pov: (I made it home and my sister was wanting for me, she saw whare i got shot.)
Player'sis pov: player OMG we need to go to a hospital right now!!!
Player's pov: I'll be fine I promise-
Player'sis pov: no you're not doing this again!
Player's pov: (she ended up taking me to a hospital, I ended up needing to stay the night there.)

Ok bye everyone I hope you all like it and I got a different request to so I hope you are excited for what's next. >:3

Next up is orange x reader

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