Gold x blue

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Ok so before we start I was requesting to do game toons gold x blue so yeah.

GT = game toons

Requested by MSMaggpi

Sexual contact

Gold's pov: red, are you sure this will turn us back in to humans?
GT red's pov: yes it will work, I am never wrong.
Gold's pov: ok, as long as it works.
GT red's pov: now just go through the portal and you'll be human again.
Gold's pov: (I didn't know if I could trust red, but he did turn us in to this so he should know what he's doing. I walked into the portal not knowing what on the other side.)
GT red's pov: hahahahah, idiot. (I closed the portal after he walked through it, now I don't have to deal with him anymore.)
Gold's pov: (i looked around the place I was at, it just looks like the play place. I looked at my self to see if I was human again, and I was not. I need to find red, he lied to me it didn't work. I found red in his office, I walked up to him.) Hay red your machine didn't work I'm still a rainbow friend.
Red's pov: who are you, and how did you get in here!
Gold's pov: don't play stupid with me, you know who I am!
Red's pov: listen I really don't know who you are, or how you got here in the first place.
Gold's pov: (I decided to explain everything to him hoping it would help him remember, instead he told me that there was only him, green, blue, purple, and orange, never any other rainbow friends. I was filled with anger, red had tricked me once again.) Do you know how I could get back?
Red's pov: I'm sorry I don't, would you like to hang out with the other's for now?
Gold's pov: I would like that. (I was still frustrated with the situation I was in, maybe this place is better than where i was before.)
Red's pov: (I got on to the intercom's.) Blue can you come to my office please.
Blue's pov: (red called me to his office, I didn't know why he needed me. I walked in to see red and some weird looking other thing, I closed the door behind me as I came closer to this thing and red.) Red what is that? (I pointed my hand towards it)
Red's pov: this is apparently supposed to be a rainbow friend from some other universe, can you make him feel at home here blue.
Blue's pov: uhh sure, would you like me to show you around the place uuhhh.
Gold's pov: it's gold, and I would like that blue.
Blue's pov: (we walked around for awhile I introduced him to the other, thay seem to be getting along well.)

*1 week later*

Gold's pov: (it's been a bit tough getting used to my new life, I have my own room, and the other rainbow friends seem to be fine with me, and this red hasn't done any weird experience's on me or the other's. Maybe this place is better, the only thing I wasn't to sure of, was the murder of people. I was told what to do, it just didn't feel right, I'm not as upset with it as I was in the first few days. But something has been bugging me lately, my heart starts to race when I'm near Blue. I think I might like him, I figured I should tell him soon. I asked blue to come to my room later, he said he'd be here.)
Blue's pov: (I opened the door to gold's room, as I walked in I shut the door behind me. I made my way to gold, I sat down beside him.) Sup gold, you said you needed me?
Gold's pov: yes I wanted to tell you something.
Blue's pov: go on then, tell me.
Gold's pov: blue you make me feel different in a way I didn't think I would fill again. (I held on to blue's hand.) Blue I think I'm in love with you.
Blue's pov: your in love with me. But why do you like me.
Gold's pov: your just so kind to everyone, and you don't mind what job you get assigned with, your just so lovely to be around.
Blue's pov: thank you gold. (I looked at Gold, he's so cute. I lean on to him as I started to kiss him, we separated after a while.)
Gold's pov: (blue just kissed me, I pinned him down holding his hands above his head. I felt every inch of his body, soon getting to his dick. I moved my hand on it as I looked at him, he nodded towards me so I continued to move my hand up and down. He enjoyed the pleasure I was giveing him, he started to whimper and moan under my control.) You like this blue.
Blue's pov: haa~ please~ no~ hmp~ more~ teasing~ me~ gold~
Gold's pov: (I lined my dick up with him, he nodded at me. I slammed my dick in to him, starting to trust faster in to him.) Hng~ blue~ you~ feel~ amazing~
Blue's pov: Gah~ hHa~ FuCKinG~ sHit~ ngH~ gOLd~ PLEaSe~
Gold's pov: (I started getting faster and rufer with my trust into blue, I started to nip at his neck. My nip's slowly turning into bite's, I moved my hands to the side of him. I had my hand on the floor making sure not to touch blue with them, as my power started to become harder to control. I didn't want to tern him in to gold, so I let my power out on the floor.)
Blue's pov: HAA~ GOLD~ WHAT'S~ MNG~ HAPPENING~ GAH~ (the floor was changing under me and gold, I don't know what's going on.)
Gold's pov: everything is fine blue, I promise you. It's just something that happens when I get to stimulated, I have some weird power to turn thangs in to gold. (I was trusting as fast as I could into him, i love his moans I just want more from him.)
Blue's pov: GAH~ PLEASE~ HAA~
Gold's pov: (I was close to cuming, I soon cumed into blue as he cumed on both me and him. We stayed like that for awhile, I pulled out of blue. I picked him up and put him in bed, I laid down with him. We were drifting off to sleep, I heard something about I fell asleep.)

*3 day's later*

GT red's pov: guys can't we just talk about it.
GT Blue's pov: no we can't, you got rid of gold.
GT red's pov: it's not like he was important here, we barely hung out with him. So I don't see why y'all care so much about him.
GT purple's pov: he didn't do anything to make us want him gone.
GT Green's pov: and anything you do just means disaster.
GT Orange's pov: where is gold red.
GT red's pov: I sent him to another university, it has rainbow friends too. Thay are just different from us, although they are the same as me blue orange green and purple.
GT Blue's pov: no red I have a better idea, how about you go get gold back or we will send you to some places different.
GT red's pov: you wouldn't do that, y'all need me. (I didn't budge at what they were telling, Thay soon started to get closer to me.) Fine I'll get him!
GT purple's pov: good now then just to make sure you do. (I strapped a camera to red, we don't know if we can trust him.)
GT Orange's pov: now we can see everything you do.
GT red's pov: is this really necessary.
GT Green's pov: yes it is now get going.
GT red's pov: (I walked through the portal and found my self in the Play place, I started to look for gold. I can't seem to find him anywhere, I heard voices so I followed the sound. I found gold but he was with other rainbow friends, it only seems to be blue green orange purple and another me. I saw the other red get up to leave, I decided to talk to him.) Hay other red, can we talk for a moment.
Red's pov: what the fuck, who are you?
GT red's pov: look I'm from another university called game toons, and I need gold back ok.
Red's pov: he will only go back with you if he wants to, and if he doesn't then he stays with me.
GT red's pov: he will obviously want to come back with me, I mean why wouldn't he so just give him to me now.
Red's pov: (I don't really trust him because of what gold told me about him, I grabbed his hand and drugged him back to the other's. Gold looked shocked and mad at this other red, I let go of him.) Hay gold he was to know if you will go back with him?
Gold's pov: I don't want to leave with him, I would like to stay here.
GT red's pov: but you have to come back with me!
Gold's pov: or what, I'm not going back with you.
GT red's pov: (he's starting to frustrate me, I pulled out one of my gun's. I shot at Gold multiple times, he was soon laying on the floor in pain.)
Red's pov: (I started to fight with the other red, he let go of his gun. I pinned his hands to the ground, I soon let go of him because blue said gold was loosing to much blood.)
GT red's pov: (as he was distracted with gold I ran off back to the portal, I made it through and the portal closed behind me.)
Red's pov: (I rush to my office with gold I'm my arm, I fixed him up the best I could. I left to see the other standing outside of my office.)
Blue's pov: is he going to be alright.
Red's pov: he's going to be fine, he just needs rest right now.

*1 week later*

Gold's pov: Blue I love you so much, thank you for staying by my side.
Blue's pov: it's not a problem.
Gold's pov: (i kissed blue holding him close to me, we separated after awhile.)
Blue's pov: hay gold everyone is hanging out today, would you like to hang out with us to.
Gold's pov that's would be nice.
Blue's pov: ok then let's go!
Gold's pov: ok, ok, I'm coming.

Ok I hope you liked it everyone by for now I love y'all all :)

Next character info

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