red x blue

851 8 53

Requested by kockern

Sexual contact

Blue's pov: ( I was just walking the halls trying to figure out something to do.)
Red's pov: (I wonder if blue won't mind I mean he does listen to me the most, and doesn't care what I ask him to do. I pressed the speckres.) Blue can you come to my office please. (I turned off the speckres and waited.)
Blue's pov: (I wonder what red needs, I walked over to wear red was and approach him.) Hay red, what do you need help with.
Red's pov: blue take a seat, I've been needing to ask you something for awhile now.
Blue's pov: ok, what is it?
Red's pov: would you mind if we were to have sex? (Blue didn't respond for awhile so I decided to ask again) is that ok with you blue?
Blue's pov: oh umm, sure I guess.
Red's pov: blue you seem off, are you sure it's fine.
Blue's pov: yes I'm sure, I don't mind at all red.
Red's pov. Ok then come here. (Blue Walked over to me, I lift my hand to blues face as we started to kiss. I moved my free hand down to his dick and started to mess with it, we parted for the kiss.) Blue could you lay down to make this easier.
Blue's pov: oh ok. (I lay down as red told me to.)
Red's pov: thanks blue. (I pull my pants and boxers down, lining my dick up with blue's entrance i shoved it in him. I started slow but pick up the pace a bit.)
Hng blue you feel amazing.
Blue's pov: hngh~ r-red~
Red's pov: (I started to thrust in to blue faster and rufer then before.) Blue do you like this~?
Blue's pov: haa~ YeS~ cAn~ YoU~ gO~ fASteR~ pLeASe~ rEd~
Red's pov: (I thrust faster in to blue making him drool more than usual.) Hng~ blue~
Blue's pov: HhAAa~ NGH~ p-PleaSE~ (red was going so hard I could barely hold my self)
Red's pov: b-blue I'm getting close~ (I don't know if he heard me, I cumed in side of blue as he cumed on to his and my stomach. I pulled out of him and got on top of him, I grabbed his face and we started to make out for a few minutes then separated. We layed down for awhile to I looked at blue he fell asleep so I went back to work, waiting for him to awake.)

I hope you like it and thank you so much for all the suggestions bye :)

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