The girl ignored him and began calculating the numbers in her head. "If I want to make it in time to overtake Hyouga before he reaches the village, I would need to leave within the next few hours. But in my current exhaustive state, I would just end up going head to head with him even if I leave now... Gen, how much time can you buy me?"

A conniving grin stretched horrifyingly across his face. "Half a day at most. I have a trump card I have been keeping in reserve for a moment like this... I can't wait to see the faces of those brutes when they fall for my trap..."

"Considering your twisted mind, it's gonna have something to do with the beehives I saw nearby, isn't it?" (Name) shot the man a deadpan stare as she caught him red-handed. "Well, as long as it gets the job done. I'll spend a few hours in this cave to recuperate before setting off. Hopefully, that'll be enough time..."


Before the sun rose the next day, (Name) took off at a quickened pace to rush back to the village. She had calculated it exactly so she would arrive just a few days before the Games started. Although she didn't get a chance to meet with Taiju, she asked Yuzuriha to send her regards to him. As she soared low - skidding across the canopy of trees - to avoid being seen in the clear skies, in the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a small glimmer.

It neared closer and closer by the milliseconds. Her eyes couldn't even keep up quick enough before it punctured her wing, the pain throwing her off balance and she faltered slightly in her hovering state. Gritting her teeth and clenching her hands, ignoring every spike of pain that jolted through her wing with every flap, she continued gliding across the forest's trees in the direction of the village. She only looked back once to check on the state of her wings. An arrow. An arrow was rooted between her feathers, drawing blood that stained her pearly wings a deep red. And she didn't have the luxury to stop and treat it now.


As she saw the village come into view, (Name) couldn't help but sigh in relief. Judging from the subpar fighting skills and the physique of the fighters, it was Mantle and Chrome squaring off in a fight but Mantle just toppled over out of nowhere. Just as Jasper announced Chrome's victory, (Name) finally landed her feet on solid ground, heaving for air. Senku was the first to notice her.

"(Name)! What happened to you?!" He examined the arrow that skewered her wing which looked like it was unattended for days and noticed her pale complexion. "You need to get that treated immediately!"

"Isn't that (Name)-sama?" Jasper said as he walked up to the group. "She won't be allowed to participate if she's not fit for battle. Those are the rules."

"No, I will fight. I can still fight!" (Name) straightened her posture, putting her acting skills to use. Her face remained composed, showing no sign of the pain or exhaustion that plagued her body. "When do I fight?"

"Right about now." Jasper turned back to the other villagers. "Due to Kohaku's absence, the winner is... Senku!"

"What happened to Kohaku?" (Name) turned to the group.

"She left because she thought Suika was drowning in the river. We hoped she would come back on time but..." Chrome trailed off.

"Rather than that, are you sure you're gonna be alright? I'm ten billion percent sure that that injury is causing you more harm than it looks," Senku placed a hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly as if he was expecting her to forfeit the match. "You don't need to force yourself—"

"Judging from the match lineups, if Chrome fails to defeat Magma, at least I will be able to stop him, even if I'm not in my best shape! Ruri is a dear friend of mine, too. I won't let her be in the grasp of that horrid man with no morals."

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