"Bring it on!" Yoshiko and Tokoyami exclaimed in unison.

Hawks, the work-study students, and his few sidekicks set foot outside, ready for patrol. Hawks spread his crimson wings and took off for flight. Tokoyami had dark shadow covering his head and took off after Hawks. Yoshiko took her sweet time, looking at the pair as she stretched her back. Once they were a good distance away, she put her palms behind her and in a matter of two ear-crushing explosions, she was ahead of Tokoyami and chasing Hawks.

As much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't cross Keigo's speed. It was a surprise she could come this close to him. It took a lot of speed practice to get to this point. She was confident in herself. Confident that one day, she'd cross his speed with consistent practice.

"You're both still slow!" Hawks yelled, glancing behind his shoulder, flapping his wings and leaving the two further behind.

Yoshiko clicked her tongue and followed him, tailed by Tokoyami. As they flew, she scanned the highway below them. All Clear. She stopped when she saw a kitten trying to cross the heavily trafficked road. Yoshiko stopped using explosions and dived down head-first.

"What are you doing?!" Tokoyami yelled in horror after her.

Yoshiko's eyes were set on the kitten as she freely fell down, her bun coming undone and dual-toned hair flapping with the hair. Yoshiko hoisted herself up with her explosion when she got closer to the ground and caught the kitten in between her boots, flying to the other side of the road on the footpath. She set the kitten down before stepping on the footpath herself.

"I thought you lost the will to live." Tokoyami huffed, landing beside her.

"Pfft- Nah." Yoshiko crouched down and took the kitten in her arms. The kitten mewed at Yoshiko. It sounded like a small and sad cry. Yoshiko stroked the kitten's little head, making it calm. What Shinsou would do to be in the position she was in right now.

"Oh, God, Yoshiko!" Hawks exclaimed, hovering above her. "You gave me a scare."

"No worries." Yoshiko rolled her eyes. "Just saw this kitty trying to cross the road. Besides, If I go out, I'm going out dramatically." She tried putting the kitten down, but it climbed up the black fabric of her hero costume and up to her shoulder.

"Animals seem to have a thing for you," Tokoyami said, petting the kitten on her shoulder.

"Maybe because they smell a dog, bird and a hawk on me." Yoshiko chuckled, making Tokoyami snort. She tried putting the kitten down again, but it only clung to Yoshiko's chest, digging her tiny paws into her chest.

"She doesn't want to leave you," Hawks said, still hovering above her. "How about we get yakitori?~"

"I saw that coming," Yoshiko muttered as the cat climbed up to her head and sat there.

Hawks gave his sidekicks some orders and asked Tokoyami and Yoshiko to follow him into a street. Yoshiko took out her phone from a zipped pocket and sent a snap to Shinsou with the kitten sitting on her head. She really wanted him to be with her since he absolutely loved cats. It was ironic how he was good with dogs, too, because of Bear. Shinsou was still at school since he could only do his work-study on weekends because he was interning with Aizawa, who also happened to be a teacher.

"I dont want to leave her alone." Yoshiko pouted as she fed the stray bits of her Yakitori.

"Hmm." Hawks thoughtfully looked at Yoshiko feeding the kitten. "We could bring her to the agency for now."

"Really?!" Yoshiko's head shot up to him, silver eyes glimmering in the sun. Her freckles moved up with her smile.

"As if the agency isn't already chaotic," Tokoyami muttered under his breath. The kitten walked to Tokoyami's leg with tiny steps and sat in between his feet. Dark shadow popped up out of him.

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