Chapter 127

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As walking inside the house, I feel Ezra's hand getting sweaty, like nervous sweat. I see how his face turns as seeing the number of people and how fancy each party gets when coming; then he lets go of my hand and immediately leaves me to go to the kitchen. I'm giving myself some slight hope that he won't go drinking in pain and silence. I know he's in pain from everything happening at once, but as much as I want to follow him and ensure he's okay, I decided to give him space.

"Rachel," I hear someone calling my name, turn around to notice Alex wrapping his arms around me, "Hi, I didn't think you would be coming today," he says in an unsure way, "Why would I not come? This is an exciting moment for your father and Andrea," I tell him with a faking smile. I'm trying to note the fact that I had to beg to come here today like he's a toddler, "You know," he shrugged his shoulders and put his hands in gray slacks, "I don't know after what happened at the Christmas party, but I'm glad you did," he laughs.

I nod and smile, "I understand," I wave a hand, "So how's your Christmas break so far?" I ask him as a waiter who's serving champagne in fancy glasses, and Alex grabs two of them then hands one to me, "Umm, it's good," he responds and sips his drink, "How's your break? Is it the greatest?" he jokes. I wish that were true, but I still fake my smile regarding awkward conversation or something I don't know what to say. I bite my tongue and drink my champagne, "Umm, I just went back home and finally showed Ezra my hometown."

"How did that turn out?".

"I mean, there were some unexpected surprises," I try my best not to think about the surprises that I'm still picking up the pieces from it, and he nods, "Is there always, but what do you mean?" he asks.

"I saw my mother after years of not seeing her," I sip my drink, holding back my tears, "The one who in..." he doesn't let me finish because I told him a little bit about my shit-loaded family after the meeting, "I'm so sorry," he hugs me again, but this hug is longer; his hugs feels like a big teddy bear hug with him squeezing me a little tight then let go, "Oh before I forget. My mother told me about the offer she gave you,". Once those words come out of his mouth, he immediately shuts his mouth. I turn around with Ezra standing behind me with this face; he looks disappointed, "What offer is he talking about?".

My mouth becomes dry, and I don't know what to say next; I look at Alex, and he looks like he's ready to throw up, "Umm, the offer was offering to help my mother in the dining room, remembering?" he unexpectedly backs me up and I nod the walk away. As I make my way to the dining room, I grab my phone from my purse and text Alex a thank you text.

I hate lying to Ezra, saying that his mother didn't offer me to work at the company in Utah and work with Henry and Dean, and I'm still surprised that he works in the same company as I do. I know that Ezra will never forgive me if I go, but it's an ample opportunity for my career, especially after college.


After a while of walking around the humongous house along with getting lost, to find the bathroom twice. This house is built like a maze, and it's not a simple maze you would do in a coloring book. I'm in the kitchen in the corner and eating the rest of the honey-roasted peanuts as I have for the past hour and drinking probably my third champagne glass.

"Hey Rachel? I have been looking for you,". I look up from my phone. Lauren sits next to me and shoves a handful of peanuts in her mouth, "I never thought I wanted to die in boredom," she jokes.

"I don't blame you. No wonder why I have been over here and eating like a pig,".

She nods, "Well, at least I know that Leo has a better time than I am," she laughs, pointing at Leo, who was sitting in front of the counter and eating a chocolate cupcake, "He's so cute," I commented about him having frosting all over his face.

"Yeah, but he's a monster if he doesn't go to bed on time," she looks at him sternly, and he shows a toothless smile.

I continued talking to Lauren for a little longer about our vacations. Well, she mostly talked; I didn't bother mentioning all the shit I had seen and heard about; her vacation sounded like my kind of vacation about going to the Bahamas, and I stopped her, "Hey, I would like to listen, but I need to find the restroom. Do you know where that would be?".

"Yeah, there's one upstairs. Turn left and in the corner," she tells me, and I nod as I walk away.

As I'm making my way upstairs where I feel like I just did the StairMaster. I'm so out of shape as someone whose polar opposite. I see in the corner of my eye Ezra walking behind his mother.

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