Chapter 85

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I wake up with the sun shining against me, feeling the warmth on my skin when I lift my head from something hard, glance at Ezra sleeping face down on the pillow; he looks so cute sleeping like that minus the truck driver snorting. I slowly crawl over to the other side of the bed before noticing the only thing I have on are undergranets so I grab Ezra's black shirt that he left on the ground and slip it on. It smells like him. It feels warm like his soft skin. I don't think I have not seen him in anything else color wise besides black or grays. But once in a while he will wear white.

"You look cute like that," a raspy voice came up. I look over my shoulder with Ezra pretending he's sleeping but I know he's not from his smirk coming up either he's thinking something preverty like or something, "You are not sleeping," I shout out but he doesn't answer just lets out a big snore so I climb in bed, over his waists and grinding on him very slowly then feeling hands stopping me, "You should know already," Ezra says with his eyes still closed, I tilt my head in confusion, "Know what?" I ask before being flipped over, "Never wake a sleeping tiger," he jokes as tickling me everywhere and I'm out of breath from laughing. Ezra kepts tickling the crap out of me, I try to push him off yet, I love seeing the playful side.

I can be playful too, I grab a pillow from behind and slam it against his head then went for a another smack in his head then he grabs it away, "Did you just hit me?" he says as putting the pillow over his head and holds it both of his head with flexing muscles that's surrounded with detail over detail of tattoos.

I lift my finger, trace a tattoo that I never noticed before, "What's this tattoo for?" I ask. Ezra looks at it and starts laughing loud and joyfully, "Skylar" he smiles when saying to her, "What about Skylar? Is it for her?" I wonder as I trace the messing handwriting, "I love it and... I love you," I say loud out.


A hour later, we clean the room from having a pillow fight and taking turns to shower, I suggested to order room service instead of going out; we got a little too much of food like loads of waffles, bacon and anything else that looked delicious on the small menu that the hotel had, "Ezra?".

He looks up, chews a piece of egg, "Hmm,". All I can feel are nerves twisting and turning all sorts of ways as he looks at me so tenderly and sweetly, "Is this something you wanna ask me?". I nod, take a sip of apple juice to clear my throat, "You seem different in a good way," I tell him then look away as feeling a flushing red appearing on my cheeks, "What do you mean I'm different?" he puts arrow quotes as saying he's different, "I mean in not a bad way. You just seem all I don't know smiley and happy. Not so grumpy and looking like you are ready to attack me with your mouth or even dick".

OH. MY. GOD! Did I just say that? Please someone dig up a hole and bury me. I bury my face in a pillow, holding it so tightly with my hands over my ears as I hear Ezra laughing hysterically, "Raya! Oh my fucking god!" He continues laughing as trying to pull the pillow away but I unexpectedly kick him off the bed, "Sor—" I try to apologize but can't because it's too funny, "You are so funny. Ha ha. I have a question," he shakes his head, stands up and sits next to me

"What's your question? And for a little person, you kick hard," he jokes and rubs his back that's filled with his scars. I pout a little with feeling bad, "Did I hurt you?". Ezra shakes his head, and smiles, "No love. I'm fine, my question is that if I suggested something, would you do it?" All I do is shrug my shoulders, pull the pillow away, and sign, "It depends what the question is," I tell him.

"Okay true but listen me out, I was thinking that we could redo the first date because we never had a first date," he confided the truth which he's not right but what's the truth underneath, "But we had a redo first date. Remember, we went swimming and you lost in our swimming competition," I make fun of him and he shoves me, "You cheated on being a good swimmer for a short time. But seriously I think we should do a redo. Please," he begs me like a little please.

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