xi; maybe next time

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     It's a good thing to know they're headed for the secret passage, but it's not a good thing Peach has the Kong Army with her. Granted, there's still enough openings to get her, but that doesn't change the fact there are hundreds of them. It won't be long before Bowser notices i'm gone, we must hurry, not to mention since we're on foot.

     "I know a short cut, keep up and stay close." He exchanges a nod to acknowledge he understands. Knowing the Kong Kingdom, they definitely have their karts with them. We have to somehow hijack the Princesses kart or steer her off course. L began to speak up, "are you sure they aren't going to be prepared for this?" I was shocked, not at the proposal but at the fact I didn't even think about that.

It's true, we have to assume they're expecting and ready to fight off an intersection. "Wow L, I must say i'm impressed. I'll lower your cut to two thousand." He gave me a cheeky smile, I assume due to his payment being lowered. Alright, it's settled. We'll wait at the end of Rainbow Road and take Peach, willingly or not.

Bowsers pov

      Y/n seemed to be upset with me. I was a little bothered by that fact, but I cannot blame her. I warned her, my word is my word. Was she a good companion? Yes. Do I feel grateful she proposed the tip to ambush in the first place? Also yes. Do I feel guilty for leading her on to believing i'd change for her? ... I realize it was the asshole thing to do, but I had to stand my ground or else she wouldn't have taken me seriously, right? Maybe I should go apologize, it'd be the right thing to do.

     I approached her door and started twisting the knob, but I quickly stopped. I shouldn't barge into a ladies room. I knocked twice, no response. I cleared my throat, "uhh bounty hu- Y/n. May we speak please?" Silence. "Okay, then just listen. I apologize for disregarding you, you're putting your time and effort into something you had no business doing so; and for that i'm grateful." Still nothing, and this made me a little irritated.

     It's not every day I apologize to someone, anyone for that matter. I tried to calm myself down, perhaps she's just asleep. But there's something in my gut telling me otherwise. I opened the door, and there are no signs of her. Now i'm angry. Where is she, what has she done, what am I to do? Question after question yet no solutions. I recalled what she first said when we met, that she was in it for Mario and Luigi. She wouldn't.... I ran to the dungeon, and there was one cage open.


i totally forgot about this lmaooo

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