vii; no small talk, this is long

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     "And why should I tell you?" I don't have any major advantage points if I learn more about him, but if we're as similar as he thinks we are I want to know every detail. I want to know who i'm spending my days with. "You're curious about me too, admit it. I can see right through you."

I cant tell if this made him embarrassed or what, but he seemed to be flustered. Does he really not realize he's as readable as a book? "You tell me first, pesky human. I'm but a king, you shall show me respect." Cocky and stubborn, I told you. Oh where should I even begin..

"Very well. This is a long story, try not to get too bored." I put my thumb up and smiled as if I accomplished something, but really i'd rather not be too serious about this. "When I was little, my family and I weren't on the lucky side. We lived in poverty, fighting for means of survival daily. It was honestly more of a chore than anything. Food and shelter wasn't in the picture, but at least we still had each other right? Wrong. Mom and dad passed after some time, they got terribly ill. I guess I was lucky enough to not catch it. I had no other family, friends were out of the question. People just waltzed on by a starving and isolated child, tossing a penny at best. I was lonely for a good while but another family took me in, they didn't have good conditions either. It was better, but nothing new. Their daughter became the sister I never had, a best friend I always hoped for. Then there was that faithful day... We had a couple guys chase us down an ally, we were about to escape but they caught her. This tunnel I was in sucked me in and I ended up here. I don't know what happened to her, or her family. The truth? They're probably dead by now. I had to push all feelings aside and finish raising myself. And, well, in this world having a meal or temporary roof over my head isn't much of an issue anymore."

A slight smile appeared on my face, I wasn't happy at all, but I was grateful. I've come so far, and while i've lost so much I never lost myself. That is huge. I glued myself back together, not anyone else. I did that. I gazed my attention to the King but he looked too stunned to speak, almost as though he felt guilty of some sort. "No child-no, no person should ever have to endure that. I'm so sorry you lost your family."

Of course it hurts, but i've had years to get this kind of thing off my chest. There's no point on dwelling what could've been, when it was completely out of the question. "It's fine, really. Life was shit and I made it my bitch, that's all. Gotta do that kind of thing to truly live you know?" Truth be told I don't know why I said all of what I said, it was more than needed. I could've just said my family died and I was stranded. I felt a sense of comfort telling him all this, it's not like i've ever told anyone else. It was strange. "Sorry, I realize I overshared. Your turn."

     "No no you're fine! I mean, you didn't overshare.. Uh must I share? I didn't actually think you'd go through with it." So he has a troubled past and is unwilling to share after I shared, interesting. Maybe it's giving him ptsd or something. "No sweat, you can tell me when you're ready."

;𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿 ''' 𝗯𝗼𝘄𝘀𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now