iii; hi im here to help you, now pay me

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    "Hey, who are you?" I tried asking in a gentle tone so I wouldn't startle the poor guy, but it was much too late for that. "AHH- who am I? who are YOU!?" I noticed his hat had an L on it, so that's what i rolled with. "Listen.. "L". You're not from around here, but I thankfully am. Get your ass up and i'll help you out." For a price, of course. He doesn't need to know that yet.

     The man looked stunned but nonetheless there's no doubt he wouldn't listen, he's shaking tremendously mumbling under his breath. "M-my brother, have you seen him? I got sucked into this darkness but his was still cloudy!" So not only one, but two strange men have made theirselves announced. Not to mention one landed in Peaches territory. I'm quite intrigued of these characters. "I have not, doesn't mean he's not lurking about. I can find him if you pay the price."

     A scared face became angered, fists clenched with steam practically coming out of his head. "My brother could be dead and you want me to pay you to find him?" Empathy lacks in this world which makes this character even stranger, which kingdom is he apart of? "Well, yeah. That's how bounty hunting works." He scoffed. "This is ridiculous."

     I shrugged, not much more I can do. But maybe.... there is. Perhaps I can find this brother of his, and THEN mention pricing. He would have absolutely no choice. It should take a days journey, at most. Alright, L's brother, here I come.


     I'm standing outside of the Toads village where Peaches castle just happens to be. I would imagine this guy would look the same, so it shouldn't be too hard to miss. However, this place, compared to Bowsers territory, is very colorful. I just hope this doesn't take too entirely long. I might as well do some last-minute-travel-shopping while i'm here.

     Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a strange little man in all red with a funky hat run past with a toad. Now that I recall, that L guy wore something like that... I decided to cancel my little shopping spree and followed them, it appeared as they were heading for Princess Peach. What news could a newcomer have to deliver I wonder...

     I tried approaching the place but two of her guards are out front being easily distracted by another, but surely this friend of his would notice me. I went around to the side and climbed a tree, looking through every window I can. Looks like the council was having a meeting about something. The map was out, with Bowsers ship inching closer to the other kingdoms. He has been gone a few days, I suppose he's now returning. This may be troublesome.

     Peach was leaving the room, when the red man got stopped in this tracks by some guards. His hat has an M. She told the guards to get off and he rushed to tell her his drastic news. Due to Peaches reaction, especially after the meeting she just had, I can only assume Bowser has something to do with it, not to mention that brother of his. After all, he did land in the dark lands. Time to make it back to Mr. L, and demand some sweet cash.

;𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿 ''' 𝗯𝗼𝘄𝘀𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now