Chapter 27

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Harper and Mason helped their brother into the car as he hopped on crutches. They were heading over to their house for a celebratory dinner.

They invited me and my dad over, but my dad respectfully declined. He still wanted to talk to me about what happened with Hayden and Liam and why I was involved.

My dad finished his conversation with Mr. And Mrs. Issacs before informing me that he was leaving. "Okay. I'll be home shortly," I replied, wanting to speak to Hayden.

After my dad left, I walked over to Hayden. He opened the door to his father's car when he saw me approaching him.

I went in for a hug, wanting and needing to feel his warm body against mine. I sighed, relieved to know that he would be okay.

The medical physician declared that Hayden's season was over until his ankle healed. Hayden was worried about losing his scholarship as a result, but my dad said he'd speak to the dean and make sure he didn't lose it.

As for Liam, he was suspended. I was hoping he'd get his ass kicked off the team, but I guess not being able to come to practice or attend the next game was still pretty damn good.

"Thank you," Hayden whispered. I looked up at him in confusion until he said, "For wearing my jersey." He just got injured, and all he cares about is the jersey. Typical Hayden.

"Looks good on me, doesn't it?" I teased, smiling up at him.

He nodded. "Very. I can't wait to take it off you tonight."

Warmth blossomed on my cheeks. The team was having a party at Ryan's parents' beach house. He was one of the players on the team who was known for his crazy parties. The stories that come out of that place are legendary.

Though I wasn't going to be there and neither was Hayden. He decided he'd rather celebrate with his friends back at their place before spending the rest of the night cuddling with me.

"I'll see you tonight. I need to talk to my dad."

"You think he knows?" He asked, staring at me.

I shook my head. "No. But he knows something happened with Liam." I swallowed. "I'm not going to tell him everything. I don't want him asking any more questions."

Hayden reached up to swipe his thumb under my eye. Tears. I was crying. "This is all my fault. You would still be playing if it wasn't for me."

Anger flared in Hayden's eyes. "None of it was your fault," he stated firmly. "Liam's a sick fuck. Besides, I was going to kick his ass at some point."

A small smile appeared at that last comment. "I'll see you tonight." I leaned in to kiss him before closing the door and tracking down my car in the full parking lot.

I got home in ten minutes, my dad waiting for me in the dining room with his blue hat on the table before him.

He had a half drunken water bottle in his hand. He looked over at me when he heard me enter into the kitchen. I walked around to the counter and stood directly in front of him.

"I didn't know you two were that close," he said, motioning to Hayden's jersey with his eyes.

"It was a deal we made when I was tutoring him. If he passed the exam, I would wear his jersey. I'm simply keeping my end of the deal and nothing more."

"So you two aren't..."

"No, dad," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.  I didn't want him seeing through my lie. "We're just friends."

"Okay. And what about Liam?"

"Hell no," I spat. "I'm not even friends with that dickhead."

My dad's brow rose hearing me curse and I apologized. He sighed. "He told me about what happened at the party. Said you threw yourself at him and Isaacs caught you two together."

I froze. "What?"

"Don't worry, I didn't believe him. Though I would like to know what really happened."

Anger rippled through me and I began to pace to keep from hunting down that asshole and slapping him again. 

When I felt myself begin to calm down, -just a little bit- I stopped pacing. "He's the one who threw himself at me," I said, watching the way my dad's eyes grew to the size of  saucers. 

"He was drinking," I explained. I didn't tell him about how I danced with him to make Hayden jealous. Or about the fact that he tried to blackmail me into sleeping with him. "He wanted more. I didn't. Hayden saw him all over me, and reacted. I ended up having an asthma attack. Harper brought me my inhaler and I went back to their place."

My dad said nothing. He just stared at me.

"I'm sorry, dad. I know I should have told you as soon as it happened, but I didn't want you to worry. The situation had been dealt with."

He sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose before bringing his attention back to me. "Liam's been kicked off the team."

"Seriously? I thought you were just going to suspend him." Not that I was complaining, though. Liam deserved everything he got.

"Isaacs told me about some bet him a few of the other guys had made when they were in the weight room."

I stiffened at his words. "What bet?"

Another sigh, only his eyes were ablaze as he cracked his knuckles and clenched his jaw. "Apparently, Liam bet that he could get 'the coach's daughter' to sleep with him."

Liam's words came flooding back to me.

Fucking the coach's daughter will make me a legend on campus.

I wanted to puke. I felt queasy and had to lean against the refrigerator. I couldn't believe Hayden hadn't told me about this. If I had known, I would have never embarrassed myself the way I did at the party.

"He's dangerous," is what Hayden had said.

"When was this bet made?"

"About a month ago, according to Isaacs."

A month-

I took in a deep breath, needing to keep myself calm so I didn't have another asthma attack. Was he in on this bet? Was everything he'd said and done all a lie? Was it just a game for him? A bet? If so, he'd gotten what he wanted. Several times in fact. Oh my- what if the actual reason for him changing his mind about me tutoring him was because of the bet?

Question after unanswered question flooded my mind, each theory worse than the last. I needed to talk to him. I needed to know the truth. I didn't want to believe that Hayden would do this to me. But the fact that he hadn't told me...

My emotions were running rampant. I wasn't sure whether to be angry, hurt, betrayed, or all of the above. "I'll be back," I told my dad as I started for the exit.

"Where are you going?"

"To confront Hayden."

I didn't hear what he said after that because I was already getting into my car and speeding off to campus.

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