Chapter 25

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I showed up to the weight lifting room fifteen minutes after Hayden's practice ended. I didn't want to accidentally run into my dad or any of the other players, specifically Liam.

That asshole hasn't apologized or anything. He simply went on as if nothing happened, tossing an occasional sneer my way if I pass by him or see him during soccer practice.

Hayden's chosen to ignore him, just as I have. Even though seeing him makes me want to claw his fucking eyes out, neither one of us believe he's worth the risk. 

Since Hayden's major is still undecided, and all he has is soccer and his scholarship, he's decided to focus only on that and his academics.

And as for me, I've just been focusing on passing my classes and adding more to my portfolio. Since I lost the bet, and won't be able to use Hayden's family name to put in a good word for me, I'm now back to square one. Which is to make sure every single piece in my portfolio is perfection.

I wasn't used to the weight lifting room being so empty. It's usually filled with buff athletes working out and chatting about whatever it is jocks talk about nowadays. But if I had to guess, I would say that their topics heavily consisted of parties, girls, and sports.

I heard a soft grunt, a smile forming when I saw Hayden lying on his back lifting a extremely heavy looking barbell.

"Need a spotter?" I asked in a joking manner. Even if I wanted to help him, my noodle arms would be useless.

He racked the barbell and sat upright when he heard my voice. My eyes unapologetically checked him out. He was wearing a white muscle shirt, his arms slick with sweat. I watched him use his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow, his tight abs flexed and exposed to my hungry eyes.

 I thought about how I'd run my hands over those abs just last night and how I desired to do so again tonight. Only, I wouldn't be able to stay over at his place tonight. I had to head back home to eat dinner with my dad and finish more homework.

Hayden's chest rose and fell as he flashed me a charming smile. "You ready to wear my jersey in the stands tomorrow?" The charming smile he once wore turned smug. 

He couldn't wait to see me in his jersey, while I couldn't stop wondering if my dad would get suspicious if he saw me wearing the captain of his team's jersey. He knows Hayden and I are friends, but he also knows what it means when a girl is wearing a guy's jersey.

"What if... I don't wear your jersey tomorrow?" I questioned with a nervous bite of my lip.

I still liked the idea of wearing his jersey, but I didn't want it to cause any unnecessary drama. I didn't really feel like being stared at by jealous girls wondering why I was wearing Hayden's jersey and not them. And I also didn't feel like being questioned about our relationship status.

Hayden frowned, the disappointment and hurt in his eyes breaking my heart. I forced out a smile, trying to lighten the dampening mood. Though it didn't really help. "I'll still be there to cheer you on. To be your cheerleader. Just with my own... clothes."

He shook his head. "No. A deal's a deal."

"Yes, I know. But-"

"But nothing," he snapped in frustration. "You're wearing my jersey and that's that."

"And what if my dad sees? Then what?"

"I hope he does see. So you can stop trying to hide me all the damn time." 

There was some bitterness to his words and I swallowed. "I'm not trying to hide you, Hayden. But we haven't exactly established what any of this is," I told him, pointing between him and me.

I no longer had the energy to talk about this. I could've gone to the library to do my homework like I was planning to do. But instead, I chose to come here and spend time with him. Arguing was not a part of that plan.

"I'll wear the jersey," I mumbled, sliding down into a seated position on the rubber flooring beneath me. I could feel him watching me as I unzipped my bag and pulled out my laptop.

Neither one of us said a word to each other after that. I did my homework in silence, while he slipped his wireless earbuds into his ears and moved to the treadmill.

After an hour had passed, I'd finished most of the homework I had to do today. So, I grabbed my sketchbook and began drawing a picture of Hayden. He was currently working on lunges, his calves flexing each time he performed the exercise.

We still didn't exchange any words. Which meant, either he was pissed or focused on his workout. I honestly hope it's the latter because if that's the reason for his silent treatment, it really fucking sucks.

Ten more minutes go by and Hayden's done with his workout. His shirt is tugged over his head as he leaves the weightlifting room, most likely heading to the locker rooms for a shower.

He didn't even glance in my direction on his way out, confirming my suspicions. He was pissed.

Suddenly annoyed with the stubborn athlete, I got up to confront him. 

Thankfully, I wasn't bombarded with naked athletes and their penises as it didn't seem anyone else was in here. I followed the sound of the running shower, passing by lockers until I reached the saloon-styled shower stalls.

Hayden was standing under the shower's head, his back turned to me. He was covered in soap suds, the familiar scent wafting into my nose. I almost got lost in the scent until I remembered why I was here.

"You don't get to be pissed at me."

Hayden froze at the sound of my voice, before slowly turning around to face me. I only saw a small portion of his upper torso and up, the rest of him covered by the stall. "What are you doing in here, Olive?"

He called me Olive. Oh yeah, he's definitely pissed.

"Yelling at you because you're not being fair."

I tried to keep my eyes from wondering, so he knew how annoyed I was with him. His brows dipped, amusement flickering in his gaze. "How am I not being fair? You lost the deal."

"I know that. But you can't expect people to believe that we're just friends while I'm wearing your jersey."


And then...

"You're right. I'm not being fair." Thank you. I'm glad he's finally seeing- "So let's make this official."

It took a second for his words to register before I was blinking at him with wide eyes. W-What?" I could feel my face redden like a cherry. Did Hayden Isaacs really just say he wanted to make things between us official?

"I like you," he stated.

"Well, I like you, too. But-"

"Buts are for squeezing, smacking, and taking shits," he interrupted. "So please, do not finish that sentence." I closed my mouth. "I more than like you, Pearl," he continued. "I like like you. So be mine," he said huskily, the confidence in his voice causing me to gulp.

I couldn't believe this was happening. How did I go from rejecting the most popular soccer player on campus' request to tutor him to standing before him while he showered naked and asked me to be his?

"Oh," was all I could think to say, because my mind was racing as well as my heart.

"Oh?" His lips lifted, the amusement in his eyes reaching the rest of his handsome face. He tilted his head, a loose strand of black hair spilling onto his forehead.

Why is this man so hot?

"You were supposed to say, 'yes, Hayden, I would love to be yours,'" he said, his voice high-pitched and sounding nowhere near like me. "And then I would simply pull you into this shower with me and fuck you against the wall."

Oh. My. God.

I shuddered. "I- I-"

"Don't keep me waiting, baby. This water's getting cold, and my boner is starting to hate me."

I finally managed to say more than one word, my heart bursting with joy as I nodded and said, "Yes, Hayden, I would love to be yours."

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